Questions in topic: "value from overlapping polygons" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "value from overlapping polygons" How can i extract polygons from one feature class for each intersection it has with many different polygons from another feature class? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have been running spatialfilter transformers on polygons from a grid feature class (G) to see which of them intersect polygons from another feature class (A).我提取的多边形Gthat intersectAand applying the attributes from intersectingApolygons to their correspondingGpolygons.Unfortunately some polygons fromAintersect other,different polygons fromAand the problem is I need to extract theGpolygons for each intersection that is found betweenAandG.Essentially I need to extract duplicateGpolygons for each intersection with different polygons fromAand apply attributes fromAto their corresponding duplicate.I really hope I was clear enough for someone out there to understand my issue.Thank you for your help in advance.

polygons intersect multipolygon self-intersection value from overlapping polygons Fri,11 May 2018 18:21:57 GMT krenty
Value from an overlapping polygon ? https://knowledge.亚搏在线


1 How do I retrieve the value of an attribute of the polygon (candidate) having the largest overlap surface with another (base)?

2 How do I retrieve the value of an attribute whose plygones (candidates) represent the largest superposition surface with another polygon (base)?

Thank you

value from overlapping polygons Thu,20 Apr 2017 13:09:20 GMT 40_eme