Answers for "To use comma in variable of WorkspaceRunner" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "To use comma in variable of WorkspaceRunner" Answer by tfsrichard

Same issue here regardless of resetting FME Workspace (child).Settings in parent workspace follow.

log outputs:

WorkspaceRunner: {C:/Program Files/FME/fme} //tfs.internal/shared/GIS/ESRIData/Scripts/FME/Server/vineyards.fmw --MAX 15000 --WhereClause fru_code IN FEZ003BU FEZ004BU >NUL: @1 &


Sun, 11 Feb 2018 23:30:33 GMT tfsrichard
Answer by oscard

Same error here using FME 2017.0.I have attached a simple workspace that shows it.

This looks like a bug to me.Where can it be reported?

Thu, 21 Sep 2017 10:17:47 GMT oscard
Answer by nataliewlock

Hi@greenroze.Please change the Type of the parameter in the child workspace from Text to Text (Multiline), then open the WorkspaceRunner in the parent workspace and re-choose the child workspace.This should fix the problem.

Setting the parameter to Text (Multiline) ensures that it is encoded when passed to the workspace being run, which is called using a command line.This prevents common delimiters from affecting the command line.

Tue, 11 Apr 2017 17:42:48 GMT nataliewlock
Answer by ebygomm

This issue has cropped up before

Mon, 03 Apr 2017 08:35:46 GMT ebygomm
Answer by david_r

Can confirm this issue, I suspect it's a bug.Can be reproduced by inserting a WorkspaceRunner into your workspace and hardcoding a comma-separated list in a parameter, e.g.

Close the dialog and re-open it, notice how the parameter has been truncated at the comma:

Surrounding the parameter values with double quotes doesn't help.Tested with FME 2017.0.

Can someone from Safe please confirm?

Mon, 03 Apr 2017 06:36:37 GMT david_r
Answer by erik_jan

Have you tried embedding the value in double quotes:

"obj_id in {'1000000000000106996011','1000000000000118176003'}"

Fri, 31 Mar 2017 15:00:53 GMT erik_jan