Questions in topic: "esri shape file attributes" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "esri shape file attributes" I would like to read all Civil Object Pipes from 2 differently named acad Civil 3D pipe networks within one feature drawing and write to esrishape so I can differentiate them by aec_netpart_style or aec_netpart_network. https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm able to run a drawing that has one Pipe network with Civil object Pipe and Pipe3d readers.When I have a drawing with Design and Existing water networks it only reads the existing.I've tried adding attribute manager and exposer which helped reading blocknames in the structures workbench.I've tried adding (importing) two layer features as all pipes are on C3D Pipes layer and Ex-Water and D-Water layers but I think using two different types of readers (objects and layers) is not working.Hello FME 亚搏国际在线官网Community thank you for looking at my question.I'm new to FME,this is my first series of workbenches.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

esri shape file attributes acad civil 3d pipe networks Fri,15 Feb 2019 18:09:20 GMT lindnerderek
ESRI shapefile converted to citygml but the final converted citygml file can't be opened in other software https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi i have attached 2 ways i carried out my transformation from esri shapefile to citygml.The first way is shown below in the attachment.However,I am not able to upload the final citygml file into an online portal as it says there is an error with the file.I am not sure where i went wrong in my transformation.Can someone please help?Thanks.

Test 3 Transformer.fmw

For the second way,i just used attribute creator and geometry setter after i extruded and then used the citygml writer to write the file.The forum that explains this is as follows.!topic/fmetalk/R6QGevN7uGY

esri shape file attributes Tue,12 Feb 2019 14:55:39 GMT pelwinderpal
convert ESRI shp polygon to INSPIRE gml https://knowledge.亚搏在线

.The data contains englands ceremonies as polygons.After converting the shp according to this demohttps://knowledge.亚搏在线 a few polygons get the geometry attributes.

fme_geometry (string) fme_aggregate

fme_type (string) fme_area

xml_type (string) xml_area

Most of the polygons get these kind of geometry attributes

fme_geometry (string) fme_undefined

fme_type (string) fme_no_geom

xml_type (string) xml_no_geom


This is my project.


Kind regards


gml polygon inspire esri shape file attributes Fri,18 Jan 2019 15:05:04 GMT user789456
How to convert Large GML files conversion to Esri Shape https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello All

We are converting some City GML 3D models in Esri Shape format.

During the process we receive an error message :

DBF Writer: DBF file exceeds maximum size of 2 GB

Error running translation.

Any solution is very much appriciated

esri shape file attributes Wed,05 Sep 2018 18:45:05 GMT nikolas
Convert from Esri shapefile to PostgreSQL database but result is missing geometry. https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi,Im trying to convert my from Esri shapefile to PostgreSQL database,but the result is not good because the geometry is gone.Im using FME for the first time and dont know where is the problem.Please help!

postgressql esri shape file attributes Tue,27 Mar 2018 15:10:48 GMT delac321
remove / delete unknow empty attributes(column),writing shape https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have various data source with various attributes.I want update all data's just like that no empty attibutes are writing.

For example: Shapefile (name "blabla.shp) in directory should be read in,automatically remove all empty attributes (column) and writing a new shapefile (blabla_del.shp) in same directory.

The Python Script in other posts not works.Example in zip.

delete write esri shape file attributes shape file attribute remover Wed,21 Mar 2018 12:00:45 GMT ivopaffrath
How to export smallworld data into ESRI shape using FME? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Dear Supportteam,

I am trying to export smallworld data into ESRI shape files by using FME.I created workbench by taking smallword as reader and ESRI shape file format as writer.

While click on run it is created .shp and other supported files.But it creates only Attribute filelds without data.The data is not expoerted into shape file.

Request you to please provide detailed steps to exporting smallworld data to ESRI shape.

Actually i followed "Smallworld-Pathway-Training-2015" documentation for creating workbench.

But the data is not getting exported.I m trying it on Cable dataset.

Thanks in advance.

Thank you.

workbench shapefile esri shape file attributes exporting Tue,19 Dec 2017 15:33:14 GMT golugury
Convert AutoCAD text to SHP attribut https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have a DWG file with two layers.In the first one I have lines representing a nework of pipes.In the second one I have autoCAD text describing the pipes diameters.I would like to create a shape file representing the pipes with their diameter as an attribute.

I linked a DWG reader containing the first layer to a SHP writer to create the shape file representing the network of pipe.How can I extract the text (diameter information) from the second layer of my DWG file and how can I link the diameter to the right pipe in the SHP file ?

Thank you for your help,

esri shape file attributes Tue,10 Oct 2017 14:32:24 GMT florianbenoit
Shape File Reader encoding Numeric fields as String. https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have some data in Shape File format that when read into FME the field type changes from Double to an encoded attribute.See the below screen shots from both Arc Catalog and FME's reader transformer.Below is the printout from the log file.So my end goal is to use the "getAttributeType()" type method to perform some data renaming using the attribute type.So is there something I'm missing with the Shape File Reader or Shape File specification in FME?If I import the data into a File Geodatabase it works fine where FME will maintain the field types.

Attribute(encoded: fme-system):`Length__fe' has value `10'

Attribute(encoded: fme-system): `Width__fee' has value `3

FME Build information below:

FME Database Edition

FME 2017.1.0.0 Build 17488 - WIN32.

Any help or information as to why FME does this would be very helpful!

encoding esri shape file attributes data shape file Fri,11 Aug 2017 19:41:18 GMT j87foster
Dynamic writer is not exporting all attributes https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I suspect that I am missing some simple setting here.But simple as it might be,I cant find a solution.

I have set up a workspace that imports a bunch of shape files and runs various transformers on them.Among these are Attribute Managers for some of the files,where I add a couple of new attributes.But for some reason these new attributes do not get written to the exported shape files.When I Inspect the last step with the same data that is feed the Dynamic Writer everything looks fine.Is there some setting I have missed or do I need an additional step,with a extra transformer,to write the new schema?

writer dynamic workspace esri shape file attributes Wed,17 May 2017 19:40:05 GMT aron
Can I use attributes from a shape file grid to name my raster writer output files? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi All,

I need to automate the process of cutting up an image file into approximately into 11,500 separate images.

I have my image file.I have my grid shape file that contains attributes that I want to use as my output image file names.

I can get image outputs using clipper that are exactly as I expect (correct dimensions etc) but cannot figure out how to name them correctly.

I'm convinced that I'm missing something quite simple here.

I have been searching through the knowledge center but can't find exactly what I'm looking for.

Has anyone had experience with this?

I'm using FME Desktop 2015

esri shape file attributes file name Thu,23 Mar 2017 14:27:15 GMT stuartohara