Questions in topic: "overwrite" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "overwrite" Reading ArcGIS Online feature services with attachments overwrites edit tracking fields (Creator,CreationDate,Editor,Edit date) https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I'm trying to read ArcGIS Online feature services with attachments into a local file geodatabase.I've been able to manage that,however,I noticed every time the script is run,it overwrites the edit tracking attributes.We need to be able to retain ArcGIS Online attributes intact to know who has created/edited the records in ArcGIS Online.

Any suggestions on how to keep the attribute intact,so they are not overwritten during the process?

Thank you for your help

attribute handling arcgis online attachments overwrite Mon,31 Dec 2018 15:33:59 GMT rosi
How can I disable editor tracking on a feature service while running workspace? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

We are using collector for ArcGIS to edit assets with a GPS unit to portal hosted feature services to sub-foot accuracy.We also have corresponding production feature classes in a SQL server sde of networked water assets that is the system of record for attribution.I have a workspace that will update changes in attribution from our production sde database (SQL server) to attribution in a portal hosted feature services that has editor tracking enabled.I want to maintain the last editor and last edit date fields in collector that is done by the field staff.When a feature is update by the workspace,it is overwritten to the run date and time and with my name as the editor.I was wondering if there is a way to use python caller to disable and enable editor tracking at the beginning and end of the workspace.I am not very python savvy,so any help in this regard will be appreciated.If there is another way other than python caller I am interested in that also.

python overwrite hosted feature service enable editor tracking Mon,01 Oct 2018 20:39:29 GMT lmawhinney7175
'Overwrite existing file' parameter - ignore if file does not exist https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a workspace in which I would like to overwrite an existing Excel spreadsheetifit exists - it might or it might not depending on other things.If I leave 'overwrite existing file' set to 'yes',the workspace will fail when it doesn't find an existing spreadsheet.This also happens with file geodatabases.

Perhaps a setting of 'yes - if existing' could be added?

excel geodatabase overwrite Tue,15 Aug 2017 04:45:05 GMT chrisw84
Excel writer: push rows down when writing https://knowledge.亚搏在线

When I am writing to Excel,I would like to see the option added to push rows down.

When you have a certain Excel template that contains named ranges that are positioned on top of each other and the writer exceeds the number of rows available,the rows underneath will be overwritten.I would like to see rows added and pushing everything down that is underneath this named range,or the selected area for writing.

excel template insert overwrite Thu,22 Jun 2017 09:25:18 GMT lars_de_vries
Overwriting Existing File Geodatabase https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi all,

I'm currently having some trouble updating a file geodatabase.I have a workspace that uses a regex to create individual feature classes in a file geodatabase.I have set the 'Feature Class or Table Name' in the writer to:


It works fine on the first run but when I try to run the workspace a second time with 'Overwrite Existing Geodatabase: Yes' it gives me the following error:

"Unable to connect to the File Geodatabase at 'C:\Test.gdb'.Make sure the correct filename was specified,and that the geodatabase wasn't saved with a newer version of ArcGIS than the one installed locally.The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147024894'.The error message from ArcObjects is: {}A fatal error has occurred.Check the logfile above for details"

From what I've readhereit may be because the overwrite relies on the spatial indexing from the original file geodatabase.Perhaps there is a workaround where I can set the workspace to delete the existing featureclasses in the geodatabase before it runs?


regex spatial index file geodb arcobjects overwrite file geodatabase error Mon,19 Jun 2017 14:30:02 GMT dunuts