Questions in topic: "runtime" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "runtime" No Parameter option on run https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hey guys,

When I run a workspace with the question mark so I am prompted for published parameters I get my usual list,but I cant select a private parameter as an option

However if I edit the published parameter value,I can set it to a private parameter as default.

Why cant I select this at runtime?



parameters runtime prompt Thu,13 Sep 2018 22:27:09 GMT jamesleversha
Job time forecasting https://knowledge.亚搏在线

This morning a colleague indicated to me that it would be useful if we could indicate how long a job is likely to run for on FME Server.Clearly there are a lot of moving parts including source data sizes,transformers used (blocking vs feature),number of transformers,readers/writers etc.going on which could make it hard to auto-forecast,but I wanted to throw the idea out there.

Of course a simpler solution is a private parameter that the author of the workspace supplies,to give an indication once they have run the workspace enough times to know how long it should take.

If this was done it could appear on the workspace summary window after submission,and/or be emailed to the user who wanted to know.

queue runtime job time duration Sun,29 Oct 2017 21:55:30 GMT chrisw84
Workspaces to start running as soon as the Run button is pressed https://knowledge.亚搏在线

It would be great if workspaces ran as soon as you hit the run button.At the moment the larger the workspace the longer it takes for FME to start the translation.

This makes testing and authoring inconvenient as it takes a lot longer to run simple tasks.

Scenario: run a workspace with only a 'Creator' enabled

Large workspace: takes 12 seconds to start

Starting translation...2017-09-06 11:00:45|  12.0| 12.0|INFORM|FME 2017.1.0.0 (20170731 - Build 17539 - WIN64)

Small workspace: runs instantly

Starting translation...2017-09-06 11:01:25|   0.0|  0.0|INFORM|FME 2017.1.0.0 (20170731 - Build 17539 - WIN64)

workbench performance runtime author Wed,06 Sep 2017 10:14:16 GMT michaelfitzpatr
Using a calculated Private parameter as path to a Data Reader https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm having some difficulty trying to use a private parameter as a path for a Data Reader.The difficulty stems from the fact that the value in the parameter is not literal but is calculated at run time (based on date).

The parameter name isSourcePathand its value is a concatenation of a literal string and two other private parameters,which are based on a date.At runtime the value in SourcePath would look something like this:

P:\GIS Development\Vicmap_Downloads\2017\20170606\

The workspace itself is very simple,consisting of aDirectory and File Pathnames Reader,and a correspondingFile Copy Writer.The reader obtains a listing of files in the directory,as specified in theSourcePathparameter.It then supplies this list of files to theFile Copy Writerto perform the copy/paste.

If I set the Data Reader folder path to a literal string then the workspace runs fine.However this is not workable as the path must be determined at runtime because it's based on current date.

So the question remains: how do I specify a path that is obtained at runtime to a Data Reader?

parameter data runtime directo Wed,07 Jun 2017 05:04:03 GMT peterz
How to make sure that the Readers in the nav pane is completed when,the major part of,data is read by SQLexecutor? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I could just sample one feature from the datastream triggering the SQLexecutor.But do you know a nicer way to do this?I need suppliers first in a few featureMergers downstream.

readers sqlexecutor runtime supplier Mon,10 Apr 2017 12:33:48 GMT hsamor
Generic workspaces with custom processing configured at runtime https://knowledge.亚搏在线

This may be more of an idea for an FME enhancement but I'm curious to know if anyone thinks this is possible,or if there's a way to do it...

I want to create a truly generic/dynamic 亚搏在线workflow.The source and target data and schema requirements can be driven by database tables,as can reprojection requirements.The majority of the time this will likely be sufficient to achieve what we need,however,there may be cases in which a simple source->target mapping is insufficient and we need some custom ETL transformations.Is there any way that the name of a custom transformer can be passed in as a parameter at runtime and have that transformer called during processing?

This functionality could be partially met by using the WorkspaceRunner or the FMEServerJobSubmitter but both of those transformers fire up a whole new translation for each feature that enters them.What I really need is a "TransformerRunner" transformer.Something that can dynamically include a (custom) transformer into a workspace at runtime...

custom transformers runtime generic Thu,09 Mar 2017 22:44:41 GMT nic_ran
Is it possible to make a transformer wait for the termination of another one ? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Everything is in the title,I have several operations on a single input dataset branching through several levels of operations.Ultimately I have some mongodb writers and python callers loading transformed data.
I want to be sure that one python caller won't start before another one has ended (the first one will create documents,and the second one pushes elements into arrays within those documents).

亚搏在线 runtime wait Thu,23 Feb 2017 14:50:04 GMT vchalmel