Comments and answers for "XmlTemplater using Sub Templates with Expressions ?" 最新的评论和回答问题”XmlTemplater using Sub Templates with Expressions ?" Comment by jdh on jdh's comment I went through that aggravation back in 2012. Once I figured out what did and did not need commas, it was fairly straightforward. I don't even really notice it these days.

Wed, 22 Feb 2017 17:33:42 GMT jdh
Comment by lifalin2016 on lifalin2016's answer Hi jdh,

You're correct, although it makes no sense to me to add commas. Yesterday I tried to add commas out of sheer desparation, and much to my surprise, it worked.

I would have assumed, that an XML "expression" would be some valid XML snippet (with embedded commands). Commas between tags are not valid XML, so it baffles me why it's implemented as such.

Thanks again.

Wed, 22 Feb 2017 08:15:40 GMT lifalin2016
Comment by lifalin2016 on lifalin2016's answer Hi Takashi,

I did read that, but it unfortunately doesn't address my problem.

Wed, 22 Feb 2017 08:11:55 GMT lifalin2016
Answer by takashi

I think this article in Knowledge Base would be a good starting point.

XML Writing with XMLTemplater, esp. Exercise 1.b Basic XML Writing - multi-record

Wed, 22 Feb 2017 03:26:56 GMT takashi
Answer by patrick_koning


Hi @lifalin2016,

I included a very small working sample.

I hope this wil help.

Created with FME 2016.1

Tue, 21 Feb 2017 17:30:54 GMT patrick_koning
Answer by david_r

I seem to remember that the XMLTemplater didn't like XML-style comments, so you might want to try without them to see if that helps.

Tue, 21 Feb 2017 16:46:37 GMT david_r
Answer by jdh

If you have two unrelated xml fragments you need to separate them with a comma.

For example a subtemplate of



will have no issue, but
will fail.

it needs to be

Tue, 21 Feb 2017 16:34:26 GMT jdh