主题中的问题:“变量” https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/topics/single/40007.html 主题“变量”的最新问题 我试图将计算好的开始和结束日期传递到一个httpcaller转换器中,但不能让它工作。 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/87779/i-am-trying-to-pass-in-a-calculated-start-and-end.html

我有4个工作台FMW文件,每次从外部源提取数据,通过各种变压器运行,that then insert and update data into 6 related tables.

The First FMW is updating traffic accidents.
httpcaller transformer上的上体代码包含每周必须手动更新的开始和结束日期。

这是upload body参数中的代码:



I want to replace the manual process by adding a scheduled task to run every Monday AM morning,计算并传递计算的开始和结束日期。



However not sure how to code this to pass in the value from StartDate and EndDate.

Any ideas?

我试过了,but doesn't work.




variables Thu,28 Feb 2019 22:37:00 GMT montanadawgz
在迭代目录时,如何使用当前文件名作为变量? https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/85372/how-do-i-use-the-current-filename-as-a-variable-wh.html

我正在处理一个XML文件目录。I have set the source dataset to just .../*.xml

然而,我想根据源文件名保存结果。How do I set the output filename to be the same as the input filename?

variables 星期二,2019年1月15日11:16:44格林威治标准时间 罗伯特巴克利
Updating model to run for multiple projects using parameter for project number 'NFID' https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/78547/updating-model-to-run-for-multiple-projects-using.html


I am new-ish to FME and primarily used model builder for previous needs which may show in how this model was created.

所以我在读SDE,更改一些字段名以及将数据同时输出到kmz和单个形状文件到压缩文件夹。并不是所有的特性类都在其表中有nfid,所以我不仅对输出文件名使用这个参数,but also to select the line with the specified NFID and then buffer to select surrounding features.

I created this to run for one project at a time using a parameter NFID which is basically a project name/number to select the correct data and to name the output folder and kmz file.


Current Process: input project specific identifier NFID as a user parameter then run the model


Any ideas on how this can be run for multiple NFID input without recreating this entire model or having to undo last action after running the model?



writers KML output 形状文件 variables FRI,14 Sep 2018 15:29:38 GMT 拉克莫里斯
How to access an array from python startup script in the rest of the workbench https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/70594/how-to-access-an-array-from-python-startup-script.html

我要做的是从一个python启动脚本中获取一个字符串数组,然后从工作台的其余部分(特别是一个SQL执行器和emailer)访问它。what i have so far is made a global variable like so:

global users_to_fixusers_to_fix = []


and here are my tranformers:


i have gotten this solution fromhttps://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/58082/passing-parameters-from-a-python-script-tool-to-a.html

i am getting the following error:

Python Exception
        : Failure to convert list unicode values to native UTF-8 values.Error encountered while calling function `getUsersToFix'f_8(PythonFactory): PythonFactory failed to process feature

i'm thinking there must be a better way to do this.because i'm not actually dealing with features,我正在处理我们的agol数据库的用户名列表。

蟒蛇 variables arrays Thu,17 May 2018 17:42:13 GMT 特罗格罗德
Reading multiple files using a variable file path name https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/69766/reading-multiple-files-using-a-variable-file-path.html

My 亚搏在线workflow requires reading .zip files,containing multipleXML's containing the data I require.

The .zip file name is aconcatenation of the following information:


At this stage I have only been successful reading in multiplefiles using the direct file path followed by *.zip to reference all files.

但是存储.zip文件的文件夹中有数千个项目,and for this particular process I need toonlyuse the .zip files which are of aset date range – ie.the last two days.


  • 1。使用StringConcatenator转换器创建要插入到文件路径中的属性。我得到以下错误。

  • 2.Create a user parameter,however again I haveonly been successful using wildcard as the file name.


读者 file path variables 周一,2018年5月7日15:06:10格林尼治标准时间 希瑟布
FME可以吗 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/67960/is-this-possible-with-fme.html


Is there a way to add transformers based on a list of variables.如:为每个变量列表中,run all the data through a defined set of transformers,and with each iteration change what those transformers do based on the variable?


变压器 列表 variables Wed,2018年4月11日格林尼治标准时间13:25:35 姆沃多斯特
Looking for the best way to calculate distances between 2 points of non-spatial data https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/54610/looking-for-the-best-way-to-calculate-distances-be.html网站


I am still new to FME and would like to find out the best/easiest/quickest way to calculate lengths of pipe sections.在这种情况下,S01和F01之间的距离(3.8-0.6=3.2)。棘手的一点是,有时每个检查ID有超过1个管段需要计算,ie S02/F02,S03/F03 etc.

Thanks in advance


FME桌面2016 非空间 variables length 星期二,03 Oct 2017 15:36:58 GMT jah79
To use comma in variable of WorkspaceRunner https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/42262/to-use-comma-in-variable-of-workspacerrunner.html

你好,would be glad to find the solution: to use comma in variable by WorkspaceRunner.For example,i have Mainprozess and subprozess.In mainprozess will be define: what IDs will be needed.在进入子程序之后,我需要通过data import只导入具有这些ID的数据(导入所有数据需要花费太多时间)。So i need to write Comma in the WorkspaceRunner,like this:

obj_id in {'1000000000000106996011','1000000000000118176003'}

But this statement does not work as i needed.Do u have some ideas?Greetings,安娜

工作空间器 variables 逗号 FRI,31 Mar 2017 14:50:00 GMT greenroze
Access to CSV filename in python https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/40008/access-to-csv-filename-in-python.html(https://knowledge.safe.com/questions/40008/access-to-csv-filename-in-python

Hi there,

我正在尝试从某个目录中消化多个csv文件。要做到这一点,我创建了一个csv阅读器,它有一个带有参数“uuu”的源csv文件夹。 \*.csv"_.

I need to remove the processed file from this directory after processing which I would do via python shutdown script by getting the filename that has to be removed (actually - it would be moved into a directory).

In the past when I only processed one file,我可以直接从读卡器中获取文件位置,which is of course now the *.csv .

I have used an Attribute-Exposer to get the filename- but I haven't figured out how to use it in my shutdown script?Am I missing something obvious here?Is there a way to either:

- set a Python variable with the filename (I would be surprised)



Thanks in advance!

参数 python scripting variables Wed,15 Feb 2017 15:18:34 GMT robopetr