Questions in topic: "value" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "value" Change all raster values of one pixel if all bands all three bands are 0 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm trying to merge different raster features to one image using the overlap value option in the RasterMosaicker.My end goal is to merge these images based on how the look in RGB.The order of the layers is done using the sorter just before the merge.使用透明度是关键,因为当存在“节点数据像素”时,您需要看到不同的层。

The problem i'm facing now is that the NoData values differs with each raster or even that some rasters do not even have a NoData value (even do it should).For the last situation i want to translate the raster a bit so the can be used for a NoData value of 255.By visual inspection i could see that that only the withe (r=0,g=0,b=0)colour needs to be replaced with transparency.

My first step is converting all 255 values in RED8,绿色8和蓝色8到254,所以255被释放。下一步,我只想隐藏红色8,一个像素的绿色8和蓝色8值,三个像素的0值都为255。我尝试使用RasterCellValueReplacer,将0和0之间的设置设置为255,然后将nodata值设置为255,但问题是所有0值都已转换。Meaning that a red area (254,0,0) changes colour.

TLDR: Is there a value mapper kind of tool that could do the following (sudocode) trick:

IF pixel == RED8 = 0 AND GREEN8 = 0 and BLUE8 = 0RED8 = 255 AND GREEN8 = 255 AND BLUE8 = 255 otherwise:Do nothing
光栅 测试器 nodata values 价值 FRI,2018年10月12日14:43:54格林尼治标准时间 jdh009
Can Condition Statement use [a-z] to check if value has a letter in it? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

我正在使用attributeManager中的条件语句检查该属性是否以字母结尾。Using [a-z] does not seem to work and I am assuming it is because the test sees it as text not a Regular Expression.



属性管理器 conditional statements 价值 FRI,23 Mar 2018 14:31:24 GMT 波特特曼
How to extract from feature class those entries that have a single value based on one attribute? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a line feature class (with a field SURVEY),我想把它分成两个功能类。In the first one I would have those features that have more than one feature with the same value in the field SURVEY - and in the other one - those features that have a single entry for a value in the field SURVEY.

I believe I could explode the original Feature class by the value in the SURVEY field,then count features in each of them,then test for value "1" and merge if required.但我不知道如何根据字段中的值创建单独的功能。

Just to give you a context: For the first one I will later create convex hulls based on field SURVEY,but for the other one - buffers (as the convex hulls wouldn't look too good for a single lines).But this is not part of the question - as I know how to do it.

Please advise.

attribute 特征 attribute table 属性过滤器 价值 周一,27 Nov 2017 16:39:27 GMT olokedzior
如何提取属性值? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a point cloud in ascii format with columns for x,YZ和分类。


点云 attribute 价值 FRI,2017年10月27日格林尼治标准时间21:50:53 sraapril
How to use a value without creating a new feature? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am flattening a complex 3D building into its outline and then I want to use its max height to extrude the footprint.在我想使用提取的最大高度作为挤出变量之前,这是有效的;instead of just using the value,the AttributeCreator (NA: ExtrudeHeight,av:_max)创建两个功能,一个只有挤出属性+值,and the other with just the attribute,but empty.How do I just write the number into the attribute field of the geometry?

attributecreator 价值 FRI,2017年8月18日14:18:43格林尼治标准时间 clickingbuttons
Generate unique digital sequential value for each record https://knowledge.亚搏在线

How do I automatically create a unique digital sequential value for each record,与记录编号无关?
Thank you

独特的 价值 identifiant 星期二,30 May 2017 10:38:40 GMT 40e电磁干扰
filter and count attributes in shapefile https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi there,

I've been struggling for a while now to generate stats in the way I want to for a few specific Shape files I have.I've tried toying around with the statistic calculator for a while,but not getting exactly what I need.

所以,作为我的shapefile内容的表示,here's an example of what I have:

Type Color Size Shape
A 红色 SML TRI 11
A 红色 SML RND 十五
A 红色 MED RND 10
红色 MED RND 20
红色 LRG RND 十三
Blue LRG RND 16
C Blue SML SQR 14
C Blue SML SQR 19
C Green MED TRI 十七

And here's what I'd like to have as an output (aiming for a plain excel sheet):

Item 价值 伯爵
Type A 36
Type 四十九
Type C 50
Color 红色 69
Color Blue 四十九
Color Green 十七 1
Size SML 四十九 4
Size MED 四十七
Size LRG 29 2
Shape TRI 28 2
Shape RND 七十四
Shape SQR 33 2

Basically I just want the counts and total measurements (I already have the METERS attribute in my source) for each unique value for specified attributes (like Color,or Value etc..)

事实上,我可能会在“项目”上做一个扇出,以减少纸张的厚重感,but that I already know how to do.

Please feel free to ask if there's anything else I need to explain in more detail.

Thanks in advance,

attribute 统计学 count 价值 周一,03 Apr 2017 13:19:50 GMT 罗伯比博塔
合并光栅数据像素值 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Dear FME-Users,

I've 3 input rasters with the same CRS,扩展和解决。

The aim is to get 1 output raster by combining all pixel values.

For each pixel the highest value from the import rasters should be used.

在附件中你会发现3个光栅。The color cyan is "low" and the colors to red are "higher".





光栅 价值 pixel Wed,2017年2月8日12:47:13格林尼治标准时间 UBAK-KP