Questions in topic: "rounding" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "rounding" How can i use the ExpressionEvaluator to round to the closest .5 of a meter https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have starting values like 1.35m and I would like to round up to the nearest half a meter,so in this example 1.35 becomes 1.50

1.89 becomes 2.00 etc.

rounding Wed,13 Feb 2019 06:12:49 GMT shanetorrens3
Enable CoordinateRounder transformer to round measures (m values) https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Add the fourth dimension to the CoordinateRounder,so that it will be able to round not only XYZ but also M (measures,used in linear referencing).

linear referencing measure rounding coordinaterounder Tue,25 Sep 2018 06:28:48 GMT hedigerm
CityGML to MapInfo (TAB) coordinates are rounded to one decimal https://knowledge.亚搏在线

CityGMLto MapInfo (TAB) coordinates with 3 decimals (mm's) are rounded to 1decimal (dm's).When same CityGML file is converted to SHP coordinates arenot rounded.
E.g.55499.763,388968.263 becomes 55499.8,388968.3

citygml mapinfo tab rounding Wed,03 Jan 2018 18:13:55 GMT keesvanprooijen
Can you round to the nearest even number using AttributeRounder or CoordinateRounder? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi,I would like to round a elevation value to the nearest even number.Is there a way to do this,perhaps using AttributeRounder or CoordinateRounder?

I am using FME Desktop 2016.


rounding coordinaterounder attributerounder Tue,11 Jul 2017 10:19:20 GMT aquamarine
@round() expression evaluator function should have an argument to round to a specific number of decimals https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Currently the @round function takes one argument,the value to round,and rounds it to the nearest integer.It would be nice is there was an optional second argument to specify the number of decimal places to round to (like AttributeRounder transformer),if the second argument is not supplied,then it should round to the nearest integer.

rounding Wed,31 May 2017 19:47:15 GMT jdh
@round() inside PointCloudExpressionEvaluator https://knowledge.亚搏在线

It would be good to have the ability to use the math function @round() inside the PointCloudExpressionEvaluator transformer.I would use it to round Z values but @floor() and @ceil() is not the same thing

python point cloud math functions rounding Mon,08 May 2017 06:50:37 GMT gabriel_hirsch
attribute rounding to other than numerical convention,or truncation. https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have an ascii xyz file i need to convert to a hyd93 (binary) format.The z value needs to be rounded to a nonstandard non-numerical rounding,(precision of 2-3 decimal places to one decimal place,0.n99 and up round up,否则轮)或截断。coordinate rounder does not seem to offer the needed functionality.Is ther another transfromer that has the needed functionality,rounding or truncation?

transformers rounding truncation Mon,30 Jan 2017 17:03:05 GMT cruiserad