“加速工作区跑步机”的答案 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/39103/speeding-up-a-workspace-runner.html 关于“加速工作区运行器”问题的最新答案 答案由jeroenstiers https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/39186/view.html p>

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2017年1月27日星期五18:59:19 GMT jeroenstiers
答案由mark2atsafe亚搏在线 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/39123/view.html < p >嗯…我认为这部分取决于工作区在做什么。您说它“将A中的变量与另一个静态文件(文件B)匹配”——这是否意味着属性键上的联接?也许和功能记忆格一起?有多少特征呢?A的特征比B少吗?A中的1,000个特征与B中的1,000,000个特征相匹配。

如果是这样的话,您可以用Joiner transformer替换FeatureMerger。您必须将B放入某种数据库格式中,即使只是临时的,但这样您就不必从B读取所有1,000,000个特性来匹配其中的1,000个。


这是性能的第一定律,顺便说一下。 Performance is defined as "useful work" carried out, so if you're reading data that isn't used, it's not useful work!

Anyway, to read B only once, then I think you would need to just have one run of the workspace, and load all of the data from all of the A files at one time. Basically one big process. How many features are in each A file? Are they non-spatial or very complex geometry? That will be the big issue.

I'm assuming you have your current setup - to read each A file separately - because combined there is too much data. But if not, and you are only doing it as a quick way to batch process data, there are other solutions. Considering reading all of the A files at once, then using a Dataset Fanout on the output to split them back out again. Group-by parameters in transformers can help keep each A file separate if necessary.

So that's a second technique: reading all of the A files at once, so you only need to read B once.

Finally, and this is where my imagination starts to exceed my knowledge, I wonder if you can set up a continuously running workspace. That workspace reads file B and then receives features from all of the file As one at a time. It keeps running as long as you are passing file A features to it.

We do have transformers like that - TCPIPReceiver, SQSReceiver, etc. I'm partly unsure because I don't know how a workspace like that deals with a reader. I assume it reads the data once and then - if you have a group-based transformer - holds that data for processing against any incoming feature, but I don't know for sure. Also, of course, I don't really know what action you are carrying out or how many features you have, or how often you run this process (cause this would take a lot of setting up, but could save you lots of time if you repeat the process daily).

So, that's the third technique: a continuous process that just listens for new A features to compare against B.

There are some other things like this, but they're fairly specialized; for example if you are doing something with a DEM, the SurfaceModeller can save its internal workings as a file for re-use at a later point. And I think there are some web formats/transformers that will cache data locally, so you don't have to keep rereading it from a remote source again and again. But I don't know if they will help you here.

Anyway, I hope something here helps. If you can give us a few more details about what you are doing exactly, then it might be that there's something we can do to help. Other than that, as others have said, use a good, fast format. I seem to recall trying out different formats at one time, and MicroStation v8 was the fastest, but whether that's still true, and whether I included a comparison with FFS, I don't know.

If I have any more bright (or even not-so-bright) ideas, I'll let you know,



PS: Thanks for letting me know about this one Bruce. Not quite a blog, but getting on for blog length!

(北京时间2017年1月26日星期四20:33:20 GMT mark2at亚搏在线safe
答案由bruceharold https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/39107/view.html

我能感觉到一篇来自Mark Ireland的博客文章,关于通过FFS或SQLite文件对工作空间进行记忆……

2017年1月26日星期四17:05:45 GMT bruceharold
答案由erik_jan https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/39106/view.html



2017年1月26日星期四16:49:30 GMT erik_jan
答案由david_r https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/39105/view.html



如果这还不能提高性能,那么可以对您的工作流进行更全面的分析。亚搏在线例如,如果您在大型数据集上重复使用FeatureMerger,那么首先将数据加载到关系数据库中,并使用索引字段(作为视图或来自SQLExecutor/SQLCreator)执行SQL join查询,这可能会带来很大的差异。

格林尼治时间2017年1月26日星期四16:48:44 david_r
答案由erik_jan https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/39104/view.html



格林尼治时间2017年1月26日星期四16:47:17 erik_jan