Comments and answers for "Converting ESRI point shape file to MapInfo Vertical Mapper nGrid (.grc)" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "Converting ESRI point shape file to MapInfo Vertical Mapper nGrid (.grc)" Answer by scraigw

Thanks for the replies there.I've added a string palette to the output now, and it definitely appears in the inspector.Hopefully MapInfo will see it as the class name, (assuming that anything in a string palette is just automatically assigned to what MapInfo sees as the Class Name field?)

Fri, 09 Dec 2016 11:14:04 GMT scraigw
Answer by daveatsafe

Hi Simon,

Mark is correct - you need a second string palette added to the image to contain the Class Name.

Thu, 08 Dec 2016 17:11:22 GMT daveatsafe
Answer by mark2atsafe

Hi Simon

I took a look through our support logs etc and don't find anything that's exactly the same as what you are trying, so I am going out on a limb here.But, I wondered if you need two palettes?One for the color and a string palette for the class name?

If that doesn't help then let us know and I can investigate some more.Or - if you get no other answers here - you could contact our support team directly and see if a raster expert there knows.// is the url to use



Thu, 08 Dec 2016 15:50:29 GMT mark2atsafe