Answers for "Cut/chop a line at specific points taken from another feature class" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Cut/chop a line at specific points taken from another feature class" 答案由daleatsafe亚搏在线 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Carefully consider the PointOnLineOverlayer -- it feels like it will do what you want.Chopper is definitely not going to help -- it just works on one feature at a time,independent of any context.

Wed,21 Sep 2016 04:46:46 GMT daleat亚搏在线safe
Answer by ciarab https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Maybe try the intersector transformer Instead if your second dataset intersects where you want to chop the line

Tue,20 Sep 2016 19:19:44 GMT ciarab
回答,伊 https://knowledge.亚搏在线


To be able to do that a relationship is necessary so that the point information can be transferred to the lines and be used by the chopper.

Tue,20 Sep 2016 19:18:01 GMT itay