Comments and answers for "gps trace to road" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "gps trace to road" Comment by dr_ysg https://knowledge.亚搏在线 I have raw JSON traces (below) that have to be converted to GeoJSON (which I am not sure that FME is the best way to do this).lots of filtering.needed.afterwards it might be a lot of work to create paths for the road boarders.I am leaning to qGIS,but would love some pointers even there.
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Mon,12 Oct 2015 14:37:04 GMT dr_ysg
Comment by pratap https://knowledge.亚搏在线 Hi,
Is it possible to provide the sample data to understand the input data you have ?
Mon,12 Oct 2015 04:53:48 GMT pratap
Comment by dr_ysg https://knowledge.亚搏在线 Probably QGIS will work,but we want 3-4cm accurracy of the road boundaries.The task I was given was to take an OSM map with low accurracy and improve it.It has ways for road boundaries and extra tags on the ways for center lines,and lane lines and boundaries.But my guess was doing this from scratch with the GPS data was better.Don't you agree?And yes,perhaps hand drawing with QGIS is the way to go,but can FME assist at all?

Fri,09 Oct 2015 15:40:21 GMT dr_ysg
Comment by david_r https://knowledge.亚搏在线 Hi

For such a small area,wouldn't it be quicker just to do it manually in e.g.ArcMap or QGIS?

Fri,09 Oct 2015 07:26:44 GMT david_r
Comment by pratap https://knowledge.亚搏在线 Hi,
Is it possible to provide the sample data to understand the input data you have
Fri,09 Oct 2015 06:17:37 GMT pratap