Comments and answers for "Summarising an OD matrix" The latest comments and answers for the question "Summarising an OD matrix" gio发表评论 ..added another statcalc for totals per row. Also inserted wsc for csv to excell:

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User-added image back to work... :)
Thu, 21 May 2015 09:16:31 GMT gio
Comment by zoerhiannon Never mind-sorted it out! I will test this out now :) Thu, 21 May 2015 09:01:08 GMT zoerhiannon Comment by zoerhiannon Hi Gio

Thankyou so much ! I didnt expect anyone to go to so much effort. Much appreciated- this will be very handy for the future :)

Is there a way to show the script in a higher resolution? I can't make it out fully..

Thu, 21 May 2015 08:58:50 GMT zoerhiannon
Answer by gio Hi,

Here is the orrect version.
(your sample has different attributes for rows and columns..) I now keep the original row_names.
Also added a "totals" row to the sheet.

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When written to excell (Csv2Excell)
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Thu, 21 May 2015 08:53:59 GMT gio
gio发表评论 ..i see, it 's a mistake on my part, will fix it later... Wed, 20 May 2015 15:14:52 GMT gio gio发表评论 嗨,< br > < br >这是一个方法。

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You need to be aware that the FME excellreader will add a order number to columns with sme name. To cope with this i added a stringsearcher and a NullAttributeValueMapper. Latter because the normal ValueMapper does not allow for regexp.

The csv can be converted to excell using a simple:
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For automation you can call the latter at the end of the fomr workbench usiing a workspacecaller.

..for some reason the Excell reader fails to read coulmn 1022..hav'nt solved that yet, alas.
Wed, 20 May 2015 14:47:37 GMT gio