Questions in topic: "mastermap" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "mastermap" gz to shp problems https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am struggling to get 113.gz os mastermap files to convert over to .shp.I am not that experienced with FME but am finding that the workbench keeps crashing when its reading the files.

Does anyone have any tips?I have found previous docs regarding a translator called Fanout - but doesn't seem to exist in my software.

I would be grateful for any tips as would like to start moving all of our processes over to FME.



shapefile mastermap 陆地测量部 gz Mon,11 Jun 2018 14:32:40 GMT alicepalmer
Insert operation not working correctly.However Update and Delete did https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi I'm applying change updates to OS MasterMap stored in a geodatabase.However,it is not inserting the new features

I am using two feature mergers,one to find the deleted features and one to find the updated and new features to insert.These then go to attribute creators to create the fme_db_operations field with DELETE,INSERT and UPDATE values.

My writer parameters are as follows:

TOID is the unique value field.It is deleting and updating existing features but not inserting the new ones.

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

I have attached my workbench for you to look at if that helps.




geodatabase fme_db_operation insert mastermap Wed,06 Jun 2018 11:52:43 GMT mattenvsys
Writing UTF8/16 text to MapInfo Professional https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm having some difficulties with writing Welsh characters to a MapInfo Professional file and was wondering whether anybody could help?

I'm taking OS MasterMap Topographic data in gml format,in this case specifically looking at the Cartographic Text theme,this is then getting written out to a MapInfo Professional TAB file.The issue is that the Welsh characters are being shown as '?' when the file is then viewed in MapInfo Professional (or QGIS).

I've tried using both the MAPINFO and MITAB versions of the writer,the MITAB writer does offer a character encoding option but neither UTF 8 or 16 are in the list of available options.I also tried using an Attribute Encoder but this was pointless as the encoding within the FME process does appear to be UTF,it's the writer that is converting everything to,in this case,Windows Latin1 (the system default I believe).

Following a little more research it looks like later versions of MapInfo Professional do support UTF,possibly 15.x upwards?but the writers in FME 2018.0 only list version compatibility up to 11.50.

Has anybody got any ideas of how to get around this?

text encoding mapinfo mastermap utf Tue,24 Apr 2018 10:45:48 GMT darren
ArcObjects Error -2147467259 Whitespace is not allowed at this location https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi FME'ers,

I am currently trying to write OS Mastermap (gml) to an Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb ArcObjects).I get so far before it through's up the error "ArcObjects Error -2147467259 Whitespace is not allowed at this location.

The problem is the log file doesn't tell me where the offending whitespace is...So I look through the erroneous record to try find it but I can't see (by eye) what the problem is.

Is this an ESRI issue or an FME issue?


David McDermott

geodatabase gml mastermap Mon,10 Jul 2017 14:03:35 GMT djmcdermott
When loading MasterMap can I choose identical schema? https://knowledge.亚搏在线 mastermap Thu,09 Jul 2015 13:06:23 GMT ian_mitchell