Answers for "Merging multiple solids?" The latest answers for the question "Merging multiple solids?" Answer by evaniko

Yes, the solids overlap each other and are adjascent too, so I will need to merge them in one single solid.

Mon, 30 May 2016 15:01:35 GMT evaniko
Answer by evaniko < p >谢谢你的回答,我试着你的操纵without any succes, in my case the GeometryCoercer doesn't route any input feature to the Untouched port, but it indicates that the problem is in the Clip part with a warning : "SolidDissolver_Clipper_Raster(RasterClippingFactory): No valid clipper feature(s) received"..

Sun, 29 May 2016 21:33:43 GMT evaniko
Answer by takashi

Hi @evaniko, it seems that there are solids belonging to the IFMEBrepSolid class in your source data, and the SolidDissolver doesn't support solids of the class. However, I think you can edit the implementation of the transformer so that it can treat IFMEBrepSolid. It's simple.

  1. Add the transformer to your workspace and open its definition by right-click > Edit.
  2. Find the GeometryCoercer transformer, and connect its Untouched port to the following Aggregator.

That's it.

The GeometryCoercer (Geometry Type: fme_brep_solid) routes the input feature to the Untouched port if it was originally an IFMEBrepSolid geometry.

Note: The GeometryCoercer cannot coerce a MultiSolid feature or a homogeneous Aggregate feature consisting of solids to fme_brep_solid. If your source feature could be a MultiSolid or an Aggregate, consider decomposing them into individual solid features with the Deaggregator before inputting them to the SolidDissolver.

Sun, 29 May 2016 21:08:32 GMT takashi