Questions in topic: "ascii" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "ascii" How to convert the maximum output of an .asc to a shapefile and a tab file https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi,I have an .asc file that contains a maximum flood extent.All i want to do is convert the maximum output of the asc to a shapefile and a tab file.anybody go any ideas?had a read of alot of poasts,but cant find anything similar.Cheers.

shapefile ascii .tab maximum Tue,05 Feb 2019 15:06:52 GMT mikeryt1
ESRIASCIIGRID writer: Failed to get tile of size 1 rows by 54000 columns at row 18000,列0 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have 1,392 .asc files that I want to mosaic into a single .asc file.

The input files are tiles of a 1m DEM.

I am using a ESRI ASCII Grid reader to open the 1,392 files together,then a RasterMosaicker to merge them together,and a ESRI ASCII Grid writer to output the result.

I get this error

Esri ASCII Grid Plugin: Fail to open the Esri Ascii Grid reader on file `\\podcisilon\Groups\Geospatial_GIS\ALS\2014\LGA_Brisbane\亚搏在线娱乐平台Products\DEM_1m\SW_507000_6964000_1k_1m_DEM_ESRI.asc'

ESRIASCIIGRID writer: Failed to get tile of size 1 rows by 54000 columns at row 18000,列0

A fatal error has occurred.Check the logfile above for details

rastermosaicker ascii Wed,24 Oct 2018 01:45:12 GMT nicholas
Convert STEP-files (.stp) using FME? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Anyone who knows a way to convert STEP-files (.stp) using FME?I cannot find a reader for this format,closest one is IFC I guess.The format is ASCII-based so maybe there is some workaround using other readers/transformers?

ascii step .stp convert .stp step conversion Wed,06 Jun 2018 14:57:33 GMT atle_hoidalen
Dynamically set the column definition for Column Aligned Text (CAT) file. https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Currently the column width specification need to be specified within the CAT reader.Can the CAT reader read a schema/column specification from another file?

readers schema mapping ascii cat Fri,01 Jun 2018 00:13:10 GMT generationn00b
CAT Files and column definition https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi there,

I've started to play around with the CAT (column aligned text) reader.Is there a way to specify column definition using another text or csv file instead of hardcoding it in the reader?

Any advice would be good.



text ascii cat Wed,30 May 2018 08:15:04 GMT generationn00b
How can I convert shapefile into asc or text file? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I´d like to know how can I convert the shapefile into (formated) asc file.

shapefile convert ascii Fri,09 Mar 2018 16:50:49 GMT mdamorim75
Copy a single row into an existing ASCII file (quick way?) https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Dear all,

I am currently trying to expand an existing ASCII file with a single row.I have an ASCII file with X,Y,Z,R,G,B and an Intensity (Scalar field).My second ASCII file has the same X,Y,Z and Intensity but instead of R,G and B one single row,named Scalar field #2.

I have both files imported as readers in CSV and connected them with an Aggregator.Now I get an ASCII file which has everything I want: X,Y,Z,R,G,B,Intensity and Intensity 2.My problem is,this task takes +40 hours,since I'm dealing with over 40.000.000 data points each row.

Is there a chance to just copy X,Y,Z,R,G,B and Scalar field from ASCII 1 to a file and extend it with Scalar field #2 from ASCII 2?Do I really have to Aggregate the whole process?

Thank you in advance!

ascii Tue,19 Dec 2017 15:32:59 GMT sebastian
I have a *.LAS file,I want to transform it to ASCII ....file which contains the coordinates of the points,organised in one line per point.The coordinates are separated per spaces or tabs.Any thoughts? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

las ascii Mon,11 Sep 2017 19:26:13 GMT heikal
Create coverage boundary of large number of ascii files? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

files dem ascii Fri,10 Mar 2017 16:04:00 GMT samstibbs73
which transformer would simply add a single line of text to line 1 of a text file? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have 100's of ASCII file containing coordinates which have no column names.I need to add "X Y Z" to the first line of every file.How could I do this with fme 2016?

ascii Mon,23 Jan 2017 08:38:29 GMT robertdbuckley
How to divide an Ascii-file into records with a fixlength of 256 characters https://knowledge.亚搏在线


Hello FME experts,

I have an Ascii file with a size of 75Mb.In this file there are several records with a fix recordlength of 256 characters.
There are no dividers such as ';' or ','.

Every record has its's own recordidentifier on the firtst 2 positions followed bij the city-code (4) like this: (00 is the begining of the ascii file and ends withe record 98,I have manipulated the data)

000413Albrondabeach 201604200000000000OBeaTax main branch 04 1020 20041300007572River Kopijnhoven 00034 8162PV 0000012210G00000000000000000000000000000020140101000N201601012016010119900EUR00 20041300000759River Denelk 00053 5461kB 0000000010G00000000000000000000000000000020140101000N201601012016010112303EUR00 20041300000248River Anfoony van Hobokenlns 00034 9161DR 0000000010G00000000000000000000000000000020140101000N201501012016010110574EUR00 20041300000703River Ty Breuk 00035 9171JH 0000000010G00000000000000000000000000000020140101000N201501012016010112272EUR00 20041301204086Boorkuhaal Pleedeern 00096 7191FN 0000044710G00000000000000000000000000000020140101000N201601012016010120616EUR00 20041301233026River Jadeflie 00016 2562lA 0000024010G00000000000000000000000000000020140101000N201601012016010115144EUR00

I received from a friend a solution for the programm GeoKettle.
Here the accii file is divided into portions of 256 characters with the help of FOLD.EXE with the following statement: ...GeoKettle\coreutils-5.3.0-bin\bin\fold -w 256 (printscreen 1).
The result is put in a seperate textfile
This text file is later divided into several records depending on the recordidentifier and written into an Oracle database (printscreen 2).

How can I do the same in FME?
Thank you for your response.

ascii recordbuilder Wed,16 Nov 2016 09:23:03 GMT perry
How to replace characters(like A-Z) in a string with their corresponding ASCII codes(like 65-90) in bulk? https://knowledge.亚搏在线 ascii Tue,05 Apr 2016 22:17:38 GMT FMEZipster