Answers for "Shape column is not showing from oracle spatial table in both reader and writer" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Shape column is not showing from oracle spatial table in both reader and writer" Answer by erik_jan

Same as@david_rmentioned is true for the Oracle Spatial Reader.The geometry (SHAPE) is the feature in FME and will be written to the table column defined in the writer featuretype.

Mon, 08 Feb 2016 15:56:04 GMT erik_jan
Answer by david_r


If you use the SDE reader/writer, the shape column won't show as an attribute, this is normal.The geometry is automatically handled by FME, not as a value but as a proper geometry.If you need to rename the shape column, you can do it in the feature type properties, under the "Format parameters" tab.


Mon, 08 Feb 2016 11:24:09 GMT david_r