Questions in topic: "feature information window" 最新的问题为主题”功能通知ation window" Is it possible to Filter attributes in feature information window?


Is it possible to set the attributes in the Feature information window so that the colors in the color will be displayed in the same color as igds_color without using the workbench?
(Fme Viewer set fme_color like igds_color when input dataset)
Is it possible to make a filter on attributes in the Feature information window so that we see only certain attributes in feature information windows?

attribute data inspector color feature information window Mon, 25 Sep 2017 14:31:03 GMT maremare
How To Disable Feature Information

I am brand new to FME Inspector 2015.1 and for some reason the Feature Information window would not "go away" every time I clicked on a Feature. I thought I had it disabled in the Window Menu but for some reason it wasn't. I want to see REAL data about a layer, not vertices and colors and whatnot.

How hard is this?

data inspector feature information window Tue, 29 Dec 2015 01:21:00 GMT dannygis