Questions in topic: "coordinateextractor" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 “协调员”主题的最新问题 使用回注器后,坐标量角器未给出正确的GDA94值 https://knowledge.亚搏在线


我想将一些gda数据重新投影到mga,然后重新投影到gda并提取一些坐标,但是gda坐标的值很奇怪。I'm confident the problem is with the CoordinateExtractor tool when used in combination with the Reprojector tool.

为了测试它,I have set up this workbench where I started with a SHP file in GDA94 projection then:

  • 导出坐标
  • 再投GDA94 MGA56
  • 导出坐标
  • Reprojected to GDA94
  • 导出坐标
  • 再投GDA94 MGA56
  • 导出坐标


Below is the results.黄色是GDA94中的导出数据,蓝色是GDA94 MGA56中的导出数据。蓝调比赛,but the yellows don't,尽管他们应该。

Any ideas why the coordinate extractor is giving me the wrong coordinates?



reprojector 坐标测量仪 星期二,22 Jan 2019 15:09:14 GMT 安德鲁万基姆
对于某些线条特征,coordinatextractor的前(0)个值和后(1)个值的输出相同。 https://knowledge.亚搏在线


我正在使用coordinatextractor在shapefile中获取大约200k行的起点和终点。这对大约90%的生产线都很好,but for around 20k of them the coordinates are the same.I have inspected many of these lines and the start and end points are clearly in different places and there's nothing about them that would indicate why i'm getting a different result to all other lines in the shapefile.

Any ideas?

坐标测量仪 Mon,25 Jun 2018 13:31:21 GMT blake3030
Extracting points from line (SHP) https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello,I have a .SHP with lines and I need to extract X,Ycoordinates as points for start and end nodes of lines and give them an ID.Icould have a polyline containing several lines connected,in that case end nodeof first line is the same point as start point of next line.I tried withCoordinateExtractor,CoordinateConcentenator,AttributeKeeper but had no luck.Is there any solution for my problem?

lines points shp 坐标测量仪 Mon,07 May 2018 09:19:25 GMT 侥幸
Coordinate Extractor - How to know direction of start and end coordinate vertex on a line https://knowledge.亚搏在线提取器-how-to-know-direction-of-star.html


我正在使用坐标提取工具提取直线起点和终点的高程值,以便计算直线的坡度。为了确定直线的起始坐标,I'm using coordinate index == 0 and to find the ending coordinate on the line,坐标索引=-1。However,我不明白这条线上的第一个坐标是指这条线上最左边的坐标还是最右边的坐标。

Since I'm looking at the slope of lines,重要的是要知道与第一个坐标相关联的高程是参照直线的右顶点还是左顶点,因为它将指示坡度的方向;for example,如果第一个坐标定义为直线的最左顶点,并且高于直线的最右顶点,我可以说这条线的斜率是从左到右向下移动的。

For context,I'm creating a map where I'm trying to identify the slope along various segments of a pedestrian network,我想确定路线的各个部分在上下方向上是否都大于/小于特定的坡度阈值。我想在地图上用箭头标出坡度指的方向。

我在下面附上我的工作区副本,broken into two segments for readability purposes.

坐标系 许可 坐标测量仪 坐标变换 坐标提取 Mon,2018年2月12日14:09:43格林威治标准时间 jennamkdavis
从BIM模型中提取地理坐标信息,用于驾驶无人机。 https://knowledge.亚搏在线网站

Im trying to extract geo-coordinate information from a BIM model,with the intention to plan a drone path using these coordinates.Can 亚搏在线safe FME help with this,如果是,你能告诉我怎么做吗?谢谢。

BIM 坐标测量仪 无人机 uav Mon,05 Feb 2018 18:07:29 GMT 莫达利维卡
Assigning CRS to a feature class receiving spatial information from a raster https://knowledge.亚搏在线


raster 坐标测量仪 特征类 crs 协调系统设置器 Wed,2018年1月24日10:52:41格林尼治标准时间 阿比诺夫49 72
Change Degree Minute Seconds Hemisphere to decimal degrees split https://knowledge.亚搏在线


Does anyone have a transformer or groups of transformers prebuilt to extract this 32°25'20.4"S 151°29'40.5"E 2145.1 to decimal degrees split into degrees minutes decimal seconds

yes i am lazy.....but pressed for time

坐标测量仪 星期二,27 Jun 2017 08:06:55 GMT darkspatiallord
Removing all intermediate vertices from polylines https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have searched everywhere but can't seem to find a solution to a this simple task.

I want to remove all intermediate vertices from my polylines,结果应该是仅由原始起点和终点组成的多段线。

Can anyone point me in the right direction?谢谢!

坐标测量仪 协调者 Mon,2017年6月5日10:21:15格林尼治标准时间 johannesbloemen
How do you convert the x y of a tab file into lat long then expose the lat long as attributes into a excel table?(我有点和区域特征) https://knowledge.亚搏在线

坐标测量仪 Mon,20 Mar 2017 14:37:11 GMT jez
空间公差 https://knowledge.亚搏在线网站

我有两个数据集,一个数据集已加载到企业数据库中,然后用企业数据库的对象_id导出。我试图在空间上将这个对象与原始数据连接起来。我遇到的问题是,加载然后导出数据的过程稍微改变了坐标。See images below.我想知道是否有任何方法可以操纵这些特征的坐标(即截断小数点后的部分或全部数字),这样我就可以在等号测试中使用空间中继。I have some polygons that are with in polygons so buffering and using WITHIN as some other posts have suggested would not be ideal.



spatialrelator spatialfilter 坐标测量仪 Mon,2017年3月6日格林尼治标准时间22:19:29 mapper
Coordinate extractor - first and last coordinates only https://knowledge.亚搏在线


坐标测量仪 星期二,14 Feb 2017 15:43:49 GMT 埃格姆
Besides I had selected "All Coordinates" in CoordinateExtractor Transformer,only the first coordinate is extracted.How can I get all coordinates extracted? https://knowledge.亚搏在线网站

坐标测量仪 星期二,14 Feb 2017 15:22:09 GMT 克劳姆菲姆
从polylinezm中提取m值 https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I would like to know how to extract M value from PolylineZM?coordinateextractor似乎提取X、Y、Z值。


坐标测量仪 清华大学,2017年2月9日14:15:29格林尼治标准时间 stevenhz
圆/修剪点几何图形的最佳方法?“几何替换器”下的“坐标拉伸器>属性器”? https://knowledge.亚搏在线网站

我知道在FME中有10种不同的方法,so is there a better way than this to trim the geometry of a point?

CoordinateExtractor (to _x and _y attributes)


GeometryReplacer (OGC Well Known Text Geometry Encoding,点(@value(_x)@value(_y))几何源)

坐标测量仪 geometryreplacer 属性低于 Mon,23 Jan 2017 16:25:55 GMT 蒂姆伍德
How to resize polygons? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Dear FME 亚搏国际在线官网community,

I have a MapInfo text dataset and created polygons which are the bounding box around that text.The problem is that the polygons have different heights.What I want is that the height of the areas is the same.The length of the area can vary according to the text length.

例如:左下角“nl plauen”的bbox应该和中间的“nl zschopau”的bbox一样高(在图像中,它稍微小一些)。或者另一个:“莱比锡体育场”的三个区域,“施塔特·切姆尼茨”和“施塔特·德累斯顿”的高度应该相同。因为字母大小不同,the BoundingBoxReplacer creates different polygons.

我已经用缓冲器试过了,but this one increases the size at every side.我只想增加高度,not the length.

Any ideas of how this can be achieved?

Kind regards and many thanks


text MapInfo选项卡 areabuilder 坐标测量仪 Wed,14 Dec 2016 09:13:31 GMT 托马索