Questions in topic: "configuration files" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "configuration files" Ability to save FME Desktop configuration file https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm frequently asked if it's possible to setup FME Desktop with some default configuration e.g.Proxies,Shared folders,database connection file locations,window layout,transformer versions turned on,number of recent workspaces set to 10 etc...and then save that off as a config file that can be deployed to other installations of FME Desktop in an organisation.Currently the closest option to this is a silent install,or packaging FME,but that's much more of an admin overhead.

It feels like with 2019's ability to save presets in Transformers we're going in the right direction,so here's a suggestion along the same theme that will help organisations with more than a couple of installations of FME Desktop.

workbench configuration configuration files fme desktop 2019 Fri,15 Mar 2019 11:11:40 GMT 1spatialdave
FME Server Configured HTTPS but {logUrl} in Email Subscription still shows HTTP https://knowledge.亚搏在线

The FME Server Services all properly show HTTPS and I've already gone through and confirmed that HTTPS was properly set in the configuration files (https://docs.亚搏在线

I have an Email Subscription for Job Failures/Successes.The Email Template looks like:

Workspace: {workspace}
Repository: {repository}

FME Job ID: {id}
Job Status: {StatusMessage}
Time: {timeStarted} - {timeFinished}

Link to Log File: {logUrl}

Still getting http for the {logUrl}.Looks something like the following:

Workspace: fme_workspace.fmw

Repository: MAIN

FME Job ID: 708058

Job Status: Translation Successful

Time: Wed-09-May-2018 08:25:15 AM - Wed-09-May-201808:30:53 AM

Link to Log File:http://{host}:80/fmerest/v3/transformations/jobs/id/708058/log

configuration configuration files Wed,09 May 2018 17:09:05 GMT susan_kvasov17
FME 2016 / Anaconda : How to use custom python interpreter without windows env.variables https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi !

When using several python installations on the same server,they usually don't use windows python path environment variables.How ever,FME cannot start the python module without these (error messages about not being able to find libraries,as you can imagine)

Is there a good way to define unique environment variables (python home,python path) for fme in a config file ?

python environment variables configuration files windows Wed,08 Nov 2017 10:24:42 GMT vchalmel
What are all the FME Server config files where the hostname is listed? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

What are all the files that specify the FME Server hostname,that can't be accessed from the FME Server Web UI or backend database?

configuration files Wed,20 Sep 2017 18:56:29 GMT fmelizard
Topic Monitoring is not working after configuring FME Server for SSL https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have installed FME Server on a machine called "" and also used this as the hostname.

Later we switched everything to SSL (including the Websockets) and the external web host name to "(https://)".

Now,everything (Web UI,Services,Websockets...) is working fine,except the Topic Monitoring!

Using the Developer Tools of a web browser,I have identified that there is still a parameter 'webSocketServerName' set to theoldhostname "".This must be causing the issue as the SSL certificate is not configured for that domain.How can I fix this?

ssl websockets configuration files topic monitoring Tue,03 Jan 2017 17:58:03 GMT fmelizard
Key/value storage,similar to database connections https://knowledge.亚搏在线

It would be very handy if FME (Desktop and Server) had a mechanism for storing key/value paris in an external database,similar to the database connections introduced in FME 2016.

These key/value pairs could be used to store local workspace settings,similar to this post.

The idea would be to define a list of key/value pairs on Desktop and then upload it as a resource to FME Server,where it would contain settings for each server instance (e.g.development,staging,production,etc).

It should be very easy to retrieve these settings inside the workspace, a type of parameter.

This would enable workspaces to retrieve an external configuration and not being dependent on hardcoded settings or python scripting.

workbench published parameters configuration files Mon,10 Oct 2016 10:02:38 GMT david_r
Questions regarding memory usage and optimization on FME Server 2016.1.1 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello everyone!

We are currently building a 亚搏在线workflow using FME Server to process relatively large data sets in an automated fashion.We are going to run multiple workspaces in parallel.

When we run the workspaces with large reader datasets (600000+ features) on our Windows Server 2012 based FME 2016.1.1 Servers we have observed that the engine thread will consume all memory on the system - and then Windows will start swapping memory to the page file with bad performance as a result.

We don't observe the same memory hogging problem on FME Desktop - here the memory usages remains with in a more proportionate size to the physical memory available.

That has led to some questions:

1) How can we best determine why the workspace is using so much memory?

2) How can we verify that this is "correct" behavior – and not eg.a memory leak?

3) How can we start to optimize the performance of the workspace – both in terms of modifying the workspace or modifying how it's run on the server?

4) Does FME Server interpret settings from the workspace header,eg.FME_ENGINE_MEMORY_REDLINE and FME_PROFILE_RESULT_CSV

5) Is it a bug in FME Server that the engine is started with only a single "-" for the "`-FME_ENGINE_MEMORY_REDLINE' `0.5'" argument?(All other commandline arguments start with "--" – that is what the log file shows ?

6) How should FME_ENGINE_MEMORY_REDLINE be configured on a FME server with 4 engines or possible more engines?

7) We see some strange behavior in the log files on the two FME servers regarding the memory limits - whats going on?:

Server A:
2016-08-29 15:46:20| 0.2| 0.0|INFORM|FME Configuration: Process limits are32.00 GB of physical memory和128.00 TB的地址空间

2016-08-29 15:46:20| 0.2| 0.0|INFORM|FME Configuration:Start freeingmemory when process usageexceeds 96.00 GBof memory or 128.00 TB of address space

2016-08-29 15:46:20| 0.2| 0.0|INFORM|FME Configuration: Stop freeingmemory when process usage is below 72.00 GBof memory and 96.00 TB of address space

Server B:

8) 33 INFORM 0.0 0.2 Today at 10:45:23 FME Configuration: Process limits are8.00 GB of physical memory和128.00 TB的地址空间

34 INFORM 0.0 0.2 Today at 10:45:23 FME Configuration:Start freeingmemory when process usageexceeds 39.74 MBof memory or 128.00 TB of address space

35 INFORM 0.0 0.2 Today at 10:45:23 FME Configuration:Stop freeingmemory when process usage isbelow 38.15 MBof memory and 96.00 TB of address space

Thanks a lot!Let me know if you need more information or something doesn't makes sense :)

engines memory configuration files Tue,30 Aug 2016 15:15:11 GMT malteohlers
RabbitMQ JMS Client configuration https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello FME users,

I am trying to configure the RabbitMQ JMS client for FME Server,without success.I copied the client files and dependencies directly in "FMEServer\Server\lib\jms".Next,I configured a JMS subscriber to send message to my RabbibMQ Server :

- Protocol : JMS

- Provider Type Or Context : com.rabbitmq.jms.admin.RMQObjectFactory

- Provider URL : server-name:5672

- Connection Factory : com.rabbitmq.jms.admin.RMQConnectionFactory

Username and password : OK

Destination: a queue name

When I confirm my configuration the following error message appears : "Unable to find provider named com.rabbitmq.jms.admin.RMQObjectFactory.Ensure that the appropriate libraries are available and the correct provider is selected."

What I am missing?

Any help will be really appreciated

Thank you


configuration files jms Mon,18 Jul 2016 16:39:23 GMT alexpillonel
Do I have to configure anything in order to receive emails on FME Cloud? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

The FME Server Administrator's Guide indicates that configuration files must be modified in order to setup FME Server to receive emails:
FME Server Admin Guide: Configuring FME Server to Receive E-mail

Because the file system is not available on FME Cloud,is this necessary?

email publishers configuration files Wed,27 Apr 2016 18:07:28 GMT fmelizard
FME Server: Set Default for TM_Priority https://knowledge.亚搏在线


Is it possible to set a default value for the Parameter TM_PRIORITY?

Thanks in advance

configuration files Wed,13 Apr 2016 06:37:34 GMT mayermart
FME Server Configuration File Syntax https://knowledge.亚搏在线

The FME Server product is comprised of several different components that can be configured partially through text configuration files.Since these components are based on different technologies,the syntax for their configuration files is also somewhat different.This article will cover a sample configuration file of each type you are likely to encounter,and explain the differences.Important differences to notice:

  • Use ofquotation marksaround paths and other values
  • Use offorward vs.backslashesin paths (usually can't copy directly from the File Explorer in Windows)
  • Howcommentsare indicated

FME Server Native Configuration

These are a custom format used by the FME Server Core and related 亚搏在线Safe Software-created services.This includes files in the \Server directory,such as fmeServerConfig.txt,fmeCommonConfig.txt,and fmeEngineConfig.exe.

Basic format


Path specification



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FME Web Application Server XML

The FME Web Application Server is Tomcat-based,and so its configuration files are standard Tomcat XML configuration files.An example is the server.xml file.

\Utilities\tomcat\config .

Basic Format

Path specification

keystorefile="C:\Program Files\FMEServer\Utilities\tomcat\.keystore" keystorepass="secretpassword" />


Java Web Application Properties

In addition to the general XML configuration files,each individual web application (fmeserver,fmerest,fmedatadownload etc.) also has an individual configuration file.These are located in

\Utilities\tomcat\webapps\ \WEB-INF\conf\ .

Basic Format


Path Specification

RESOURCE_PATH=C:/ProgramData/亚搏在线Safe Software/FME Server/Resources


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administration installation web application server tomcat configuration files Thu,12 Nov 2015 21:15:46 GMT dewetat亚搏在线safe