Questions in topic: "facereplacer" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "facereplacer" 3DLineCombiner https://knowledge.亚搏在线

ExistingLineCombineris limited to some 2.5D like behaviour and cannot handle vertical polygons.

Suggestion is to provide a3DLineCombinerwhich is not limited to special Z handling like the existing transformer.

see also discussion:How to create vertical face from 3D lines

a related Suggestion is:Solids or Faces from Wireframe

3d linecombiner facereplacer Tue,09 Jan 2018 10:43:22 GMT mhab
How to create vertical face from 3D lines https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have an aggregate of 4 3D lines which are the outline of a vertical polygon.I want to replace it by a face and can't seem to do that.(In fact it is a wall of a building)

I needLineCombinerto create a polygon which is prerequisite for theFaceReplacer.

As it seems to me LineCombiner cannot handle vertical polygons and so I cannot create vertical faces.

Please proof me wrong or let me know how to solve this.

facereplacer vertical Sun,07 Jan 2018 00:02:34 GMT mhab
How to clip TIN Surfaces https://knowledge.亚搏在线



FME's SurfaceModeller transformer does not use boundary features,nor can the Clipper clip the output 3D surfaces.However,the workaround described below allows you to effectively clip the SurfaceModeller output to an irregular boundary.



The triangles output by the SurfaceModeller are standard polygons rather than 3D surface,and can be clipped by the Clipper.However,the clipping boundary must be draped to the ground first,since any vertices added to the triangles will derive their elevation from the clipping boundary.Luckily,we can drape the clipping boundary at the same time as we create the surface triangles.

After clipping the triangles,we use a FaceReplacer to turn them into 3D surfaces,then an Aggregator to create a multi-surface suitable for writing out to most of FME's 3D writers.However,a mesh is much more efficient representation than a multi-surface,so we can use a Triangulator to convert the multi-surface into a mesh.

The attached workspace template illustrates the process.Templates contain source data as well as the workspace,and can be opened in Workbench exactly the same as workspace files.


Output Mesh

3d bim surface tin surfacemodeller triangulator facereplacer Fri,09 Oct 2015 19:31:45 GMT daveat亚搏在线safe
line to mesh https://knowledge.亚搏在线 Hello,

is there a way to convert polygonal entity (geometry) into a surface or mesh or face?

thank you
bim coordinateextractor facereplacer Thu,17 Sep 2015 13:16:14 GMT zzupljanin