Comments and answers for "How to convert 3ds file to CityGML LOD2?" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "How to convert 3ds file to CityGML LOD2?" Answer by virtualcitymatt


The workspace which you linked to simply takes the geometry in the 3DS file and merges everything into a single Building feature which sounds like is not what you want.

CityGML can be a bit of a challenge to write out to so you may need to do a bit of learning/testing before you can get the output you want - You will need to learn this a bit:

It sounds like you will need to do four things:

1.Read in the 3DS (easy part) - Just add 3DS Reader
2.Separate features into surfaces - (Something like a Deaggregator)
3.Create some logic to determing which is Wall, Roof and Ground.If you have innter surfaces you will want to somehow remove those.
4.Write out the CityGML, can be a bit tricky

Here is a link which contains a few templates which will help you at least with step four.Steps 2 and 3 could be tricky and will be probably specific to your data:

Happy Converting!

Mon, 21 Oct 2019 09:48:13 GMT virtualcitymatt