Configuring the IMAP Publisher

  1. In theFME FlowWeb User Interface, selectNotifications > Publications, and clickNew.
  2. Provide a name for the Publication
  3. 在协议下拉菜单中,选择电子邮件(IMAP).
  4. Specify theTopicsyou want to publish to using the drop-down selector. To create a topic and use it right away, click+.
  5. IMAP Server Host: Provide the host name or IP address of the IMAP server.
  6. IMAP Server Port: Provide the TCP port over which IMAP communication takes place.
  7. IMAP Email Account/Password: Provide the email address and password of the account receiving emails over IMAP.
  8. Note  "> NoteIMAP access must be enabled on this account.
  9. Connection Security: Specify the encryption mechanism to use for the IMAP connection. The mechanism selected must work over the specified port.
  10. Verify SSL Certificate: IfYes, the connection to the specified IMAP Server Host is verified with a valid, signed SSL certificate. IfNo, the connection is not verified with an SSL certificate. This option is not secure and not recommended unless absolutely necessary, such as when using a self-signed certificate.
  11. Poll Interval: Specify how often to poll the IMAP server for email.
  12. Emails to Fetch: IfNew Emails Onlyis selected, the publisher fetches only unread messages that were received after the last fetch. IfUnread Emailsis selected, the publisher fetches every unread email message in the in-box.
  13. Warning  "> WarningWhen the IMAP publisher polls the IMAP server, every unread email in the in-box is marked as read, regardless of this setting.
  14. Filter Type: Allows you to fetch only the messages specified by the filter, based on content in the subject line. Filter Type can be:
  15. Subject Filter(optional): Provide the filter, according to the specified Filter Type. Wildcard characters are not supported. If blank, no filter is applied, and all unread/new messages are fetched.
  16. Download Attachments To(optional): Specify a location to download any attachments.
    • Select aResourcesfolder (...).
    • Enter your own location. Directory paths must use forward slashes (/) or escaped backslashes (\\).
    • If not specified, any attachments are saved to the following default temporary folder:


      If specified, the following subfolder is created in the specified location:


      If<specifiedLocation>is invalid, attachments are saved to the default temporary folder.

      If<automation_name>,<email_subject>, or<filename>contains invalid characters, these characters are stripped. Invalid characters are\/:*?\"<>|&='+%#. Whitespace characters are converted to_.

  17. Client ID(optional): For open authorization (OAuth) as a registered application with the Microsoft identity platform, specify the Application (client) ID. The client ID is created whenconfiguring an Azure Active Directory tenant.
  18. Note  "> NoteA client secret is not required.
  19. ClickOK.