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Removing Custom Transformers

Removing Custom Transformers from a Workspace

You can remove a custom transformer from a workspace in a similar way as you remove regular transformers.However,if a custom transformer isembedded(rather than linked),FME does not restore the original set of transformers or repair connections.If you choose,you can maintain the definition of the custom transformer in the workspace,so you can access the transformers it comprises.

To remove a custom transformer from a workspace

  1. Select the custom transformer and press the Delete key.
  2. Embedded transformers only: In most cases,there is only one instance of an embedded custom transformer in a workspace.Therefore,a dialog appears asking if you want to delete the embedded definition of the transformer.SelectNo(recommended) to maintain the definition of the custom transformer.The custom transformer tab remains,so you can access the definition.SelectYesto remove the custom transformer and its definition.SelectingYeseffectively removes the custom transformer from your FME Desktop installation,and it no longer appears in the Transformer Gallery.

Removing Custom Transformers from an FME Installation

You can directly remove a custom transformer from your installation of FME Desktop.Doing so removes all instances of the custom transformer in any existing workspaces,and the custom transformer is no longer available for use from the Transformer Gallery.

To remove a custom transformer from an FME Installation

  1. Right click on the transformer in theTransformer Gallery,and selectDelete Definition.
  2. In the confirmation dialog,clickYes.