
The匹配表达式returns the mapping rule’s matched element’s local-name, namespace-prefix, namespace-uri, QName, or sequence number. This expression is useful to retrieve the name of the matched element in the case that a wildcard was used in the匹配表达式, or to determine a unique identifier for an element. It is represented in the xfMap document with theelement, and it has the following general form:

The表达式字符串(i.e., the expr attribute) specifies whether the local-name, the namespace-prefix, the namespace-uri, QName, or the sequence number of the matched element is to be returned. The valid values for the expression string are local-name, prefix, uri, qname, and sequence. The sequence number is a period-separated list of numbers which identify the path from the root of the xml tree to the child element where the matched expression is evaluated.







<匹配expr="local-name"/>        <匹配expr="prefix"/>        <匹配的expr=“uri”/>        <匹配expr="qname"/><matched expr=“序列”/>        <匹配的expr=“qname”祖先=“父”/>

FME features constructed:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Feature Type: `player' Attribute(string): `QName' has value `Laura' Attribute(string): `Sequence Number' has value `1.3' Attribute(string): `local-name' has value `Laura' Attribute(string): `ns-prefix' has value `' Attribute(string): `ns-uri' has value `http://schemas.sports.com/players' Attribute(string): `Parent-QName' has value `players' Attribute(string): `xml_type' has value `xml_no_geom' Geometry Type: Unknown (0) =================================================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Feature Type: `player' Attribute(string): `QName' has value `pl2:Sharen' Attribute(string): `local-name' has value `Sharen' Attribute(string): `ns-prefix' has value `pl2' Attribute(string): `ns-uri' has value `http://schemas.sports.com/2/players' Attribute(string): `Parent-QName' has value `players' Attribute(string): `xml_type' has value `xml_no_geom' Geometry Type: Unknown (0) =================================================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Feature Type: `player' Attribute(string): `QName' has value `Claudia' Attribute(string): `local-name' has value `Claudia' Attribute(string): `ns-prefix' has value `' Attribute(string): `ns-uri' has value `http://schemas.sports.com/players' Attribute(string): `Parent-QName' has value `players' Attribute(string): `xml_type' has value `xml_no_geom' Geometry Type: Unknown (0) ===================================================================