Geometry Element

A特征映射规则可能包含一个可选的element that specifies the construction of the FME feature’s geometry through ageometry builder. Ageometry builder可以构建以下几何形状之一:

  1. point geometry: is a single coordinate geometry, the coordinate maybe x,y, or x,y,z. When this geometry is given to the FME feature, the feature’sXML_TYPE.attribute is set toXML_POINT..
  2. 线几何:是折线,它包含至少2个坐标,坐标可以是x,y或x,y,z。当该几何形状给出FME功能时,该功能的功能XML_TYPE.attribute of the feature is set toxml_line.
  3. 区域几何:是单个封闭的折线,甜甜圈或甜甜圈的骨料/或简单的封闭折线。坐标可以是x,y或x,y,z。当该几何形状给出FME功能时,该功能的功能XML_TYPE.attribute of the feature is set toxml_area.
  4. 均匀的聚集几何形状: is a collection of like geometries. A member of the aggregate may itself be an aggregate as long its xml_type matches. When this geometry is given to the FME feature, the feature’sXML_TYPE.attribute of the feature is set to eitherXML_POINT., xml_line,或者xml_area.
  5. heterogenous aggregate geometry:是一系列几何形状,可能彼此不同。这种聚合类型的成员可以是任何类型的几何形状。当对FME功能提供此几何形状时,该功能的功能的XML_TYPE属性设置为xml_aggregate.
  6. 文本几何: is a text value, a size and a rotation and a location. When this text geometry is given to the FME feature, the feature’sXML_TYPE.attribute of the feature is set toxml_text.
  7. 路径几何: a curve geometry composed of curve segments. A curve segment maybe a a line or an arc. When this path geometry is given to the FME feature, the feature’sXML_TYPE.attribute of the feature is set toxml_line.
  8. arc geometry:an arc geometry is a circular or elliptical curve segment, see thexml-arc, xml-arc-by-center-point,xml-elliptical-arc几何构建器,用于支持的电弧定义。当该路径几何形状给出FME功能时,该功能的XML_TYPE.attribute of the feature is set toxml_arc.
  9. 表面几何形状: is a surface geometry composed of three dimensional areas. When this surface geometry is given to the FME feature, the feature’sXML_TYPE.attribute of the feature is set toxml_surface.
  10. 坚实的几何形状: is a solid geometry composed of three dimensional surfaces. When this solid geometry is given to the FME feature, the feature’sXML_TYPE.attribute of the feature is set toxml_solid.

The元素有一个启用attribute that specifies the name of a geometry builder. For a geometry builder to do anything useful (that is, construct a geometry), we must supply it with data, we can do this with thegeometry buildersdata parameters. The data is supplied through the元素的孩子elements. The general form of a元素是:


In a特征映射规则theelement must come after the<属性>elements.

Later in this section, the XML Reader’s built-ingeometry builders和their data parameters are described, custom geometry builders are described in their own sections. In order to understand how a geometry builder constructs the geometry of a FME feature we first explain the states of a geometry builder.