You are here: Popular Formats > XML (Extensible Markup Language) Reader/Writer > xfMap > Reading the Input XML Document > Mapping Rule States (activation, execution, suspension, and de-activation)

Mapping Rule States (activation, execution, suspension, and de-activation)

This section describes the different states of a mapping rule. A mapping rule can either be activated, suspended, executing, or de-activated.

LetE是sta的输入XML文档中的元素rt-tag is being read,

letCbe the context element; we define thecontext element是most recently read element for which its end-tag is yet to be read, and

letRbe a mapping rule in the xfMap document that is considered for matching (see thesearch-setssection below, which describes when a mapping rule can be considered for matching),

then the following lists the possible states for a mapping ruleR:

  1. Risactivated, ifRmatchesE.
  2. Risexecutingas long as it is activated andEequalsC.
  3. Rissuspendedas long as it is activated andEdoes not equalC.
  4. Risde-activatedafterE’s end-tag is read.

Note:All mapping rules in the xfMap document are initially deactivated.