VOIV (VoxelGeo OpenInventor) Writer

Note:This format is considered a technology preview.

The VOIV (VoxelGeo OpenInventor) Writer module allows FME to write files directly in the VOIV format. VOIV files are a derivation of the OpenInventor 3d format, and so natively support three-dimensional geometry.


VOIV files are ASCII text files, using a nested grouping syntax to define geometry. The format definition only has a schema for basic geometric primitives, so complex types are stroked to their equivalent line or polygon. Additionally, aggregates, multis, and donuts are broken apart. These are grouped in the VOIV file for readability, but no actual grouping is supported by the file format. Attribute data is not natively supported, but arbitrary text strings are supported, which the FME uses to store attribute data. Therefore, none of the attributes written by the FME are directly accessible.

By convention, these files use the .iv filename extension, but the VOIV writer can use any extension.