Writer Directives

The directives processed by the StruMap writer are listed below. The suffixes shown are prefixed by the currentin a mapping file. By default, thefor the StruMap writer isSTRUMAP.



This specifies the output file to which the features are to be written. A typical mapping file fragment specifying an output StruMap dataset looks like:

STRUMAP_DATASET /usr/data/Strumap/output.sgf

Workbench Parameter:Destination Northgate StruMap File



Each StruMap feature type must be defined before it can be written. The definition specifies a unique feature code of the feature type, and the names and the types of all attributes. The syntax of a StruMapDEFline is:

< WriterKeyword > _DEF < baseName > \[ ]+

The attribute types supported are the same as those listed in the Reader section.



This is the character added around a string to indicate the beginning and the ending of a string. For example, to indicate that a pair character “\” should be used to quote a string, the following is used. By default, double quotation marks are used.