Pointools POD Reader/Writer

Licensing optionsfor this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The Pointools POD (POint Database) Reader/Writer allows FME to access data in the POD format.

POD files are the proprietary file type directly loaded by Pointools applications.


  • File version and basic structure
  • Extended metadata
  • Point cloud structure
  • Point cloud channels

A single POD file contains a point cloud scene which contains one or more point clouds composed of at least a geometry channel and optionally intensity, RGB, classification, and normal data channels.

Note:Attributes in a POD file are stored at the scene level, not the point cloud level. That is, all point clouds in a scene will have the same attribute values.

Reader Overview

FME considers a single POD file to be a dataset. Each dataset contains one or more point cloud features.

Reading requires an installed, licensed Pointools application (version 1.x, 2.x).

Writer Overview

FME considers a dataset to be a folder name. The feature type of each dataset is the filename.