INGR Quick Facts

About Quick Facts Tables

Format Type Identifier INGR


Licensing Level

Professional and above

Dataset Type

Reader: File

Writer: Folder

Feature Type


Typical File Extensions

.cot, .ctc, .rgb, .ctb, .grd, .crl, .tpe, .lsr, .rle, .cit, .g3, .g4, .tg4, .cmp

Automated Translation Support


User-Defined Attributes No
Coordinate System Support No
Generic Color Support No
Spatial Index No
Schema Required No
Transaction Support No
Encoding Support No
Geometry Type Attribute ingr_type

INGR Geometry Support

Geometry? Supported?
aggregate no
circles no
circular arc no
donut polygon no
elliptical arc no
ellipses no
line no
none no
point no
polygon no
raster yes
solid no
surface no
text no
z values no

INGR Raster-Specific Quick Facts

Band Interpretations Gray8, Red8, Green8, Blue8, Int16, Int32, Real32, Real64
Palette Key Interpretations UInt8
Palette Value Interpretations RGB24
Nodata Value Any, but all bands on a raster must have the same value.
Cell Origin (x, y) 0.5, 0.5
Rotation Support Yes
GCP Support No
World File Support No
TAB File Support No