

Features with theirigds_typeset toigds_lineare stored in and read from IGDS files in one of three ways, depending on the number of coordinates they have.

Number of

IGDS Element




If the feature contained exactly two points, then an IGDS type 3 element is used to store the data ifIGDS_CREATE_LINE_ELEMENTSwasyes; otherwise, a type 4 element will be created.

In V7: Between 3 and 101

In V8:Between 3 and 5000


If the coordinates can fit in a single element, then an IGDS type 4 element is used to store the line.

In V7:Greater than 101

In V8:Greater than 5000

12, 4

If the coordinates cannot fit into a single element, then they are grouped together into a complex line string element (type 12). This consists of a single type 12 element, followed by as many type 4 elements as required to hold all the coordinate data. The type 4 elements have theircomplexbit turned on. Furthermore, such a complex line string element will be split into multiple complex line string elements if the size of the data exceeds the maximum size that the header can address, which is approximately 65K words.

There are no attributes specific to this type of element.