Google Fusion Tables (Non-Spatial) Reader Parameters

The Google Fusion Table (Non-Spatial) reader produces an FME feature for each row in a worksheet in the provided spreadsheet. All columns of the Google Fusion Table will appear as attributes in the feature type, including all location columns.

Google Fusion Tables formats allow you to easily upload and manage data in the cloud (for example, spreadsheets and comma-separated value [CSV] files).

Google Fusion Tables makes it easy to create visualizations like maps, timelines and other charts, and either share these with collaborators or make them publicly accessible. Users can also merge datasets that belong to different owners.

It offers a REST API to run SQL-like queries to manage tables (create, delete), manage data rows (insert, update, delete), and query the table for all rows that match spatial or data conditions. The results of queries can be output to a CSV file, or used in the Google Maps API or Google Chart Tools.


  • Google Fusion Tables Non-spatial, which supports all the column types as attributes,
  • Google Fusion Tables Spatial which, for convenience, creates geometry from location columns

两个版本可以读和写私人nd public tables.

Please note that only KML geometry or latitude/longitude points in the same column will be interpreted as geometry by the Google Fusion Tables Spatial Reader, although multiple latitude and longitude columns or geocoded data will be preserved as attributes for subsequent processing.

The FME Google Fusion Tables Reader can read geometric portions of private or public tables when present, or non-geometry or attribute processing when no location columns are present.

The Google Fusion Tables (both Spatial and Non-Spatial) formats do not use a dataset like most other formats. Instead, connection parameters are supplied similar to a database connection by clicking the Parameters button when generating a new workspace or adding a reader.



Schema Attributes
