GML User Attributes

To access user attributes, click the properties在工作区中的功能类型上的按钮,然后选择User Attributestab.


For information on the parameters in this dialog that are common to all writers, see:

The following table shows the attribute types that are supported.

Note:User attributes are only applicable when theGML Version没有设置为GML Application Schema. In theGML Application Schemamode, the feature types and attributes are determined from an existing GML schema. The description of the user attributes are still valid, but because they come from the schema, you cannot modify them.

User attributes control the generation of the GML application schema.


A simple attribute, a list attribute, a structured attribute, or a geometry attribute.

Simple attributes

These attributes have no embedded period, and they are mapped into simple type properties in the GML application schema.

List attributes


Structured attributes

These attributes have embedded periods: each component in a structured attribute is separated by a period, and each component may also be a list. Structured attributes are mapped into complex type properties in the GML application schema. For example, the structured FME attributes, “changeHistory.Date”, and “changeHistory.Reason” are mapped into a changeHistory element whose complex type is defined as a sequence of Date and Reason elements both of which are defined as simple types.

Geometry attributes

These attributes are used to control the name and the position of the GML geometry elements. Currently, only the genericxml_geometrytype is supported. Therefore, the geometry attribute only specifies the name and the position for the GML gml geometric property. The type for the GML geometric property is determined via the instances of the data features. For example, if all instances of a named geometry corresponding to the geometry attribute are points, then the XSD written will have its geometric element declared asgml:PointPropertyType; if the specific GML geometry property type cannot be determined via the data features, then the geometric element is declared asgml:GeometryPropertyType.

The attribute in the FME feature type definition representing the name of the geometry may end with a{}suffix. This is only used to indicate the multiple occurrences of a geometric property. For example,projectedGeometry{}, means that there will be 0 or more geometries with theprojectedGeometryname. The{}后缀不会影响FME功能中的几何图形的名称,并且该功能中的几何名称永远不会被索引 - 它将简单地是projectedGeometry(notprojectedGeometry{0}, ...,projectedGeometry{n}).


Choose one of the following field types.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


Mapped to an unlimited length string, xs:string, or text buffer type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


Mapped to thexs:stringwith a length ormaxLengthfacet.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


使用GML读取器和写入器将属性名称指定为几何列的占位符;所以,xml_geometrywill map to a GML geometric type. SeeMap Geometry Columns.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


This type corresponds to anXML built-in data type.


Used by the GML reader and writer to denote that an attribute name holds an XML fragment. There is no corresponding XML schema type.


The width parameter controls the maximum characters that can be stored by the field.


For some attribute types, controls the precision of the data by specifying the number of digits to the right of the decimal.