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Conceptual Diagram of Geodatabase

Below is a simplified diagram of some of the objects within Geodatabase.标签描述对象之间的关系。


Relationship between objects

Workspace Factory An object that allows you to connect to a workspace.The workspace factory is format-dependent.This means that a different workspace factory is used to open an ArcSDE Workspace than to open a Microsoft Access workspace.
Workspace A data source that contains datasets.The workspace represents the actual Geodatabase being created or opened.
Dataset A collection of data that is grouped together.Examples include feature classes,tables,and feature datasets.
Table A container of non-spatial data.It is never part of a feature dataset.
Feature Class A container of spatial data.It may be part of a feature dataset,or standalone.
Feature Dataset A container of feature classes.All the feature classes within the feature dataset share the spatial reference of the feature dataset.
Domain An object that is used to constrain a field in a feature class or table to an allowable value for that field.
Subtype An object that is used to separate rows (features) in a table (feature class) into different groups so that different default values or validation rules can be used for each group.