You are here: Popular Formats > ESRI地理数据库读写器 > Feature Types > esri geodatabase(个人geodb)编写器功能类型参数

esri geodatabase(个人geodb)编写器功能类型参数

To access feature type parameters,click the gear iconon a feature type in the workspace to open the要素类型参数编辑器.To always display the editor in Workbench,you can select View > Windows > Parameter Editor.


所有特征类型共享相似的通用参数,including the Feature Type Name,读写器名称,and Geometry.

在大多数编写器功能类型参数对话框中,您还可以控制动态模式定义。Some database formats accept a Table Qualifier prefix on the output table feature type.


Table Settings: General


When inserting into a table,Row Selection is ignored.When updating and deleting from a table,a condition needs to be specified for selecting which rows to operate on.This parameter group offers two methods to construct the selection condition:

Table Creation Parameters

