ESRI .HDR原始光栅读者/作家

Licensing optionsfor this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

FME provides read and write access to the Esri .hdr header file and the associated raw raster file, along with an Esri world file.


An Esri .hdr file is a header file that stores the georeferencing information of an associated raw raster file. The georeferencing information is read or written to an Esri world file but is also stored in the .hdr file with the following keywords:




The number of rows in the image. Rows are parallel to the x-axis of the map coordinate system. There is no default.


The number of columns in the image. Columns are parallel to the y-axis of the map coordinate system. There is no default.


The number of spectral bands in the image. The default is 1.




If this keyword is present and its values is signedint, then the data is assumed to be a signed integer type. Otherwise, the data is assumed to be an unsigned integer type.


The byte order in which image pixel values are stored. The byte order is important for sixteen-bit images, with two bytes per pixel. Acceptable values are I, which is Intel byte order (Silicon Graphics, DEC Alpha, PC) or little-endian, and M, which is Motorola byte order (Sun, HP, etc.) or big-endian. The default byte order is the same as that of the host machine executing the software.




The number of bytes of data in the image file to skip in order to reach the start of the image data. This keyword allows you to bypass any existing image header information in the file. The default value is zero bytes.


The x-axis map coordinate of the center of the upper-left pixel. If you specify this parameter, set ulymap, too, otherwise a default value is used.




The x-dimension of a pixel in map units. If this parameter is specified, ydim must also be set, otherwise a default value is used.


The y-dimension of a pixel in map units. If this parameter is specified, xdim must also be set; otherwise a default value is used.

For example, if you have a 2500 (width) x 4000 (height) external image format image with cell size of 10 and the coordinate of the center of the upper-left pixel of (330000, 6500000), the image will have

ULXMAP = 329995, ULYMAP = 6500005, XDIM = 10, and YDIM = 10

For each raster, there is only a single feature returned, since this feature will contain the entire raster.

请注意,当前版本的ESRI .HDR光栅读卡器/作家不支持bandrowbytes, totalrowbytes, andbandgapbyteskeywords. This format also supports an optional colormap ASCII file that allows for an RGB palette to be stored in a separate .clr file if present.

The raw data file for Esri .hdr datasets can have multiple extensions depending on the interleaving type of the file. The extension becomes one of the following allowable interleaving options: BIP, BSQ, BIL. Thus an Esri dataset with a band order by pixel interleaving would have a .hdr file and a .bip file.

如果存在并与ESRI .HDR数据集一起写入ESRI世界文件。世界文件扩展也匹配数据集的交错类型。








FME considers a single file to be a dataset.

Writer Overview

ESRI .HDR编写器创建并将数据写入Workbench Navigator中目标参数中指定的单个文件夹。

The Esri .hdr writer distinguishes duplicate output files by appending numbers to the filenames.

FME Raster Features


About FME Rasters Tiling and Mosaicking
Raster Properties Band Combining and Separating
Band Properties Band and Palette Selection
面板属性 Raster Processing
Compression 栅格与矢量功能
Pyramiding Raster File Naming
交错 世界档案
解释和数据类型 TAB Files

Esri .hdr supports rasters with an arbitrary number of bands, provided all bands are the same data type and no band has a palette. Esri .hdr also supports rasters with a single band that has a palette.