Group Pipelines

一个group可能包含一系列FME工厂管道,处理进入它的功能。一个group mapping rule,定义一个group用管道,有一个<申请管道>包含一个或多个序列的元素<管道>元素。

<管道>元素有A.element that specifies the location of the file containing the definition of an FME factory pipeline. The location of the file is specified with theelement’s名称属性。此外,可以通过可选的管道指令<指令>元件。通过表达序列指定每个可选指令的名称和值。

<管道>    ... some expression sequence ...   ... some expression sequence ...   ...  ...   


<管道>元素还可能包含可选的element (see section “组映射规则 - 条件元素”) that allows or prevents a feature from entering into the pipeline.

The following illustrates the usage of group pipelines. Consider the following input XML and xfMap documents:




<?xml版本=“1.0”?>    <! -  Group对象包含一个在pipeline.fmi文件中定义的一个fme工厂管道。此文件位于与pipeline.xmp xfmap相同的文件夹中。在下面的特征映射规则中建立的功能将进入该组及其管道以进行进一步处理。--> <申请管道> <管道> <condition feature=”@id=’290’”/>   >        <属性> <属性>          


FACTORY_DEF * TeeFactory \ INPUT FEATURE_TYPE member \ OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE member isCopy false \ OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE member isCopy true


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Feature Type: `member' Attribute: `id' has value `290' Attribute: `isCopy' has value `false' Attribute: `xml_type' has value `xml_no_geom' Geometry Type: Unknown (0) ======================================================================= +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Feature Type: `member' Attribute: `id' has value `290' Attribute: `isCopy' has value `true' Attribute: `xml_type' has value `xml_no_geom' Geometry Type: Unknown (0) =======================================================================