

 ... ... ... ... 


这meaning of thecomparisonexpr.ession is to perform a simple conditional choice. The arguments/attributes ‘lhs’ and ‘rhs’ are abbreviations for ‘left-hand side’ and ‘right-hand side’. These two expressions are evaluated and compared. The comparison type is determined by the ‘expr’ attribute. If theexpr.attribute is ‘=’ and the comparison is true (that is, if the left hand side is equal to the right hand side), then the成功argument is evaluated and returned, otherwise the失败argument is evaluated and returned. If the expr attribute is ‘!=’, for ‘not equal’, then the sense of the comparison is reversed; i.e. if the comparison is true, then失败评估,否则成功is evaluated.

Note:This is not aflow-of-control条件表达式,而只是简单地选择在表达式参数之间进行评估。

这example below demonstrates a case in which news articles are tagged with their source language, ‘fr’ for ‘French’ and ‘en’ for English. Suppose that we want to extract all the author’s names, one per feature. But since the french word for ‘name’ is ‘nom’ (and ‘histoire’ for ‘story’), we want to selectively extract the author’s name based on the stories source language. We do this by assigning an attribute to a feature, and setting that attribute’s value as a comparison expression that chooses based on the ‘lang’ attribute.



<?XML Version =“1.0”编码=“UTF-8”?> <条目> <条目lang =“en”>  mark   ...    jean-sebastian   ...   


        <!-- Here we check if the ‘lang’ attribute is equal to the string ‘Name’ and if it is, we extract the Name element. Otherwise, we extract the Nom element -->                
==========================================构造的功能|通知| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |通知|通知|功能类型:`ression'|通知|属性(字符串):`作者'具有值`mark'|通知|通知|属性(字符串):`xml_type'有值`xml_no_geom'|通知|几何类型:未知(0)| |通知| ============================================================= |通知| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | INFORM |功能类型:'进入” | INFORM |属性(字符串):“作者”有值`jean-sebastian'|通知|属性(字符串):`xml_type'具有值`xml_no_geom'|通知|几何类型:未知(0)|通知| =============================================================.