STAR-APIC Mercator MCF Reader/Writer

Note:MERCATOR, formerly developed by Esko-Graphics, is now part of STAR-APIC

The Mercator MCF Reader/Writer module provides FME with access to the Mercator MCF format.


The Mercator MCF format is a collection of different types of data which include lines, areas, points, text, externals, and jobs. Each type of data is stored in a separate file, often with all the files of a particular dataset residing in the same folder. The files are stored in DTO format, have the extension.dtoand are named_.dto. The file type identifier is “l” for lines, “a” for areas, “p” for points, “e” for externals, “t” for text, and “j” for jobs.

The FME considers a Mercator MCF dataset to be a set of files in the same folder with the same dataset name. The FME is able to determine the type of data by the.