Danish DSFL Reader

The DSFL Reader module enables FME to read the DSFL basic format which is a genuine subset of the full Danish National Format (DSFL). This chapter assumes familiarity with that format.


DSFL is an ASCII format, widely used in Denmark for exchanging Geographic Information System (GIS) data between different systems. The information within the DSFL file is contained in these four sections:

  • header section– contains global information common to all data
  • origin section– where the accuracy and the origin of the data are specified
  • data section– where data is referenced by features and where the spatial and non-spatial data for the features are contained
  • stop code– this is how the end of the DSFL dataset is signaled

File Extensions

Filename Extension


.dsf, .asc, .txt and others

Feature geometry and attribution data

Reader Overview

The DSFL reader reads the header information from the DFSL file being processed, and extracts the parameters required to determine the coordinate system and sequence use. The dimension of the input file is also known after the coordinate sequence had been determined.

The reader then returns each read-in feature with its attributes to FME for processing. The DSFL reader doesn’t have any requirements for definition statements.

Each feature returned by the DSFL reader has its feature type set to one of the following:dsfl_point,dsfl_line,dsfl_polygon,dsfl_aggregrate,dsfl_none, ordsfl_header.