
Licensing optionsfor this format begin with FME Professional Edition.




CADRG文件通常在国家图像传输格式(NITF)消息中物理格式化。CADRG读取器可以读取有或没有NITF消息包装器的CADRG文件。CADRG Writer可以创建带有或不带NITF消息包装器的CADRG数据集。这些选项可在Writer功能类型参数中提供。

The CADRG reader and writer implement the following standards:

  • MIL-C-89038
  • MIL-STD-2411
  • MIL-STD-2411-1
  • MIL-STD-2411-2

CADRG image data is of appropriate size and quality for use in military command and control systems, ground-based force to unit-level mission planning systems, and aircraft cockpit “moving map” displays. The post-reduction filtering scheme emphasizes legibility of text and contour lines to ensure that displayed and printed digital maps are readable and distinct. CADRG is intended to satisfy the needs of a broad range of users in its compression ratio, display and print quality and displayed screen size.

The CADRG datasets shall conform to MIL-STD-2411. It normally will be produced directly from source maps of all scales by processing and re-formatting into a CADRG frame file structure. Miscellaneous scale maps and charts or non-DMA maps may be the source for CADRG production. The processing includes spatial reduction (pixel downsampling) with filtering, vector quantization image compression, and color quantization.



FME considers a single CADRG TOC file to be a dataset.

CADRG TOC文件包含帧文件的位置和名称。帧文件是包含像素数据的栅格文件。

Writer Overview

FME认为CADRG目标数据集是容器文件夹名称。每个特征类型都有一个容器文件夹内的子文件夹。在每个子文件夹中,有一个目录文件A.TOCand one or more subfolders containing some frame files. The frame files and their subfolders are named according to the specification MIL-STD-2411.

All raster features of the same CADRG feature type are grouped under one table of contents file. Each raster feature represents one boundary rectangle, but when the extents of the raster feature overlap two or more zones, the raster feature will be broken down into multiple boundary rectangles, each of which covers the raster subset in one zone. According to the specification, adjacent zones overlap each other, and the raster data in the intersection area will be repeated in the two boundary rectangles. Since each zone has a specific vertical/horizontal intervals and resolutions, the boundary rectangles may need to be resampled.

每个边界矩形将被分解为一个或多个帧文件。每个帧文件的大小为1536 x 1536.当帧中的行数或列数小于4时,写入器不会创建帧文件,因为编写器需要至少4行和列进行空间压缩。当栅格具有Nodata值或217,33和17条目时,三个调色板分别有216,32和16个条目分别当栅格具有Nodata值时。每个调色板条目是一个四字节的RGBM。第一个字节R包含红色强度级别,第二个字节G包含绿色强度级别,第三个字节B包含蓝色强度级别,第四个字节M包含单色(灰度)强度级别,这是红色的算术组合,绿色和蓝色强度水平。用于计算单色强度水平的等式是:0.299(红色)+ 0.587(绿色)+ 0.114(蓝色)。



FME raster features represent raster data and use several concepts that are unlike those used in the handling of vector data. See关于FME Rasters.

The CADRG reader produces rasters with a single UInt8 band that has multiple palettes.
