
The XML Reader partitions the mapping rules that are specified in an xfMap document into subsets. A subset of mapping rules is called asearch-set.Every search-set is not examined for matching mapping rules when an element is being read. The XML Reader only looks into a search-set when that search-set becomes anactive-search-set.

The XML Reader maintains several active-search-sets:

  1. one or more feature-search-set(s):themulti-feature-constructionattribute on theelement controls the number of feature-search-sets. By default only one feature-search-set exist, several feature-search-set may exist at a time when themulti-feature-constructionattribute is set totrue. The XML reader allows multiple features to be constructed at a time by always having an additional feature-search-set set to the, only the activation of the mapping rules in thetrigger the construction of a new FME feature.
  2. one group-search-set: the active-search-set containinggroup mapping rules.
  3. one reference-search-set: the active-search-set containingreference mapping rules.

The next section describes how the contents, i.e., the mapping rules, of an active-search-set change.