
TheDEFlines control the generation of the XML document.

The syntax of the XML DEF line is:

 _DEF <表名> \ [<属性名称> <属性类型>] *

The valid values for are: xml_char(width), xml_int32, xml_real32, xml_decimal(width, decimal), xml_boolean, xml_real64, and xml_xml.

ADEFline specifies the form an element takes in the output XML document that represents a table row. The element type is defined in the generated XML Schema document as a Complex Type definition.


XML_DEF row \ area xml_real64 \ code xml_char(5) \ num xml_decimal(3,0) fragment xml_xml

generates in the XML Schema document the following XML Schema Complex Type:


对应的FME功能DEFline, that is, a feature with feature type, will be written in the outputDATASET文档:

 28002.325 MX02 345  _  


The “fragment” attribute with “xml_xml” type assumes an XML document as its value. Note that in the example gml prefix must’ve also been bound to a namespace URI in a namespace declaration in the root element, the XML_NAMESPACE_DECLARATIONS directive may be used to add namespace declarations on the root element.


XML_DEF行\一个xml_xml \ b xml_char(5)\ C xml_xml
