Writer Overview

The USGS DEM writer creates and writes feature data to a USGS DEM folder specified by theDATASETdirective. The writer searches the mapping file for the_DATASETdirective, which is required to be in the mapping file. The names of the USGS DEM output files written to the output dataset folder are determined from thefme_raster_filenameattribute or from the FME Feature Type. The folder need not exist before the translation occurs. Any old USGS DEM files in the folder with the same name are overwritten with the new feature data. The USGS DEM writer distinguishes duplicate output files by appending numbers to the filenames. Please seeAbout FME Rastersfor details.

FME currently supports writing to the following horizontal datum, projections, and units. Please note that certain combinations of the following may be invalid.

Horizontal Datum:NAD 27, WGS 72, WGS 84, NAD 83

预测:LL, UTM (TM)


Workbench Writer Parameters

This format does not contain format-specific writer-level parameters.