Reader Overview

FME considers a folder of TIGER/Line data files to be a dataset. Optionally the*.rt1file may be used as a dataset. The folder may contain TIGER/Line files for one or more regions. The regions are counties, or county equivalents. Each county consists of a series of files with a common basename, and different extensions. For instance,county 1instate 26(Michigan) consists of the following file set in Tiger98.

TGR26001.RT1 TGR26001.RT2 TGR26001.RT3 TGR26001.RT4 TGR26001.RT5 TGR26001.RT6 TGR26001.RT7 TGR26001.RT8 TGR26001.RT9 TGR26001.RTA TGR26001.RTC TGR26001.RTH TGR26001.RTI TGR26001.RTP TGR26001.RTR TGR26001.RTS TGR26001.RTZ