
These features are derived from the type 4 record (Index to Alternate Feature Identifiers), and relate a TLID to 1 to 4 alternate feature name numbers (theFEATattribute) which are kept separately asFeatureIdsfeatures.

The standard reader pipeline attaches the names from theFeatureIdsfeature attributesALT_FEDIRS, ALT_FEDIRP, ALT_FENAME,andALT_FETYPEto theCompleteChainfeatures. TheALT_FENAMEis a list of feature names associated with the TLID on theAltNamefeature, with the alternate names separated by commas.

Note that 0, 1 or moreAltNamerecords may exist for a given TLID and that eachAltNamerecord can contain between one and four alternate names. CurrentlyCompleteChainswill only be updated with the alternate names from one of the relatedAltNamerecords, potentially resulting in the loss of some alternate names.Future versions of the TIGER/Line reader will add support for multipleAltNamerecords.

These features have no associated geometry.