Writer Directives

The directives listed below are processed by the SVG writer. The suffixes shown are prefixed by the currentin a mapping file. By default, thefor the SVG writer isSVG



The value for this keyword is the pathname for the output SVG file. If a file with this pathname already exists, then it will be overwritten. A typical mapping file fragment specifying an output SVG dataset looks like:

SVG_DATASET /tmp/outputFile.svg

If the output filename’s extension issvgz, then the output document will be compressed using gzip compression.

Note that all SVG documents are written using UTF-8 encoding.

Workbench Parameter:Destination SVG File



This optional parameter directs the writer to the location of the SVG document to use as the outline of the output dataset.

The syntax for this keyword’s value is:


(whereis location of the template path)

If this keyword is not provided in the mapping file, then the file nameddefaultTemplate.svgunder thesvgfolder in the FME home folder is used.

The template document has several uses including: the insertion of predefined geometric elements, the inclusion of Cascading Style Sheets, and the embedding of scripting information. There are a few issues that must be considered to ensure proper template processing. The template must conform to the non-extended SVG language defined by the SVG 1.1 specification. The encoding of the template must be one of the following: ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, UCS4, ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252. Note that the encoding of the output SVG document is always UTF-8. Any document type declaration provided in the template will be overridden in the output document.

Two placeholder macros have been defined for use in the SVG template in order to retrieve information specified in other keywords:

  • $(FME_SVG_ATTR_NS_PREFIX)will be replaced with the value of theATTR_NAMESPACE_PREFIXkeyword, and
  • $(FME_SVG_ATTR_NS_URI)will be replaced with the value of theATTR_NAMESPACE_URIkeyword.

These macros will only work inside CDATA sections () of the SVG template. If they are found outside a CDATA section, they will remain unchanged.

Workbench Parameter:Template File



This optional parameter specifies the number of decimal digits to use when writing an SVG element coordinate’s value. The default is 6. Specifying a larger value increases coordinate precision and may increase rendering precision.

Workbench Parameter:Precision



This optional parameter will normalize the lower coordinate bounds of the writer’s feature set to (0,0). Normalization can reduce rendering inaccuracies by SVG viewers with small coordinate precision capability. A normalized document’s file size is typically smaller than a non-normalized version.

Workbench Parameter:Normalize



The syntax forDEFis:

_DEF  SVG_PAINT_ORDER [0-9]+ SVG_LAYER_STYLE string  char([0-9]+) ...  char([0-9]+)

TheSVG_PAINT_ORDERparameter on aDEFline is used to determine the order of feature output. Features in layers that have a higher value for this parameter will be output last. Following SVG’s “painter” algorithm, features that are in layers with higher values will be painted last when the SVG document is rendered.

TheSVG_LAYER_STYLEparameter on aDEFline is used to specify the value to set the layer’sSTYLEattribute in the output layer group.

The user attribute keywords specify which FME attributes to extract from an incoming FME feature. The extracted FME attributes are embedded in the geometric element’s attribute list.

If there are no user attributeDEFline parameters specified, then no FME user attributes will be inserted in any SVG element’s attribute list, and no SVG DTD extension is produced.



Allows absolute instead of relative coordinates to be used for lines and polygons that are written out aselements. The valid values for this keyword areYesandNo; its default value isNo

Workbench Parameter:Use absolute Coordinate



Determines whether the SVG writer should automatically switch whitefme_colorspecifications into black. This directive does not affect thesvg_color(that is, thesvg_colorattribute takes precedence over thefme_color)。The valid values for this keyword areYesandNo; its default value isYes

Workbench Parameter:Automatically turn white strokes into black



Determines if the SVG file depends on an external SVG DTD. The valid values for this keyword areYes(default value) andNo。When set toYesthe document type declaration’s public and system identifier for SVG 1.1 are used by default, but these default identifiers can also be overwritten with theDOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDandDOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDkeywords.

Workbench Parameter:Reference external SVG DTD



This keyword only applies when theDOCTYPE_EXTERNALkeyword is set toYes。它指定了docum公共标识ent type declaration. This keyword must be used in conjunction with theDOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDkeyword, that is, a system identifier must also be simultaneously specified; otherwise, this keyword has no effect.

Workbench Parameter:DOCTYPE public identifier



This keyword only applies when theDOCTYPE_EXTERNALkeyword is set toYes。It specifies the system identifier for the document type declaration. This keyword can be used alone or in conjunction with theDOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDkeyword.

Workbench Parameter:DOCTYPE system identifier



This directive specifies the prefix which will be used to identify the namespace of all user attributes in the SVG document.

Each user attribute written to the SVG file will be written as an XML attribute with the format namespace_prefix:user_attr = “value”.

The default namespace prefix is “fme”.

Workbench Parameter:Attributes Namespace Prefix



This directive specifies the URI with which the namespace prefix (specified byATTR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX) will be associated. This will be the namespace URI for all user attributes in the SVG document. (Note that the writer does not check if this is a valid URI that complies with XML standards.)

The namespace will be defined as follows, wherenamespace_prefixis the value defined byATTR_NAMESPACE_PREFIXandnamespace_uriis defined byxmlns:namespace_prefix=“namespace_uri”

The default value is“//www.baooytra.com/fme”

Workbench Parameter:Attributes Namespace URI



These directives allow the user to set viewbox size when writing to SVG format. By default, the viewbox is not available. Only when the user has set all four parameters (listed below), the viewbox will be displayed.

Syntax for the values is:


All values must be specified in decimal, integer or scientific notation.

Workbench Parameter

Viewbox - Min x, Viewbox - Min y, Viewbox - Width, Viewbox - Height