

FACTORY_DEF * createfactory \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \ OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE sef_header_feature \ sef_feature sef_workset_info \ sef_workset_type READ_ONLY \ sef_segment{0} segment1


workset_info {name = " sef_header”;类型= READ_ONLY;/*如果更改为ALTERNATE_SCHEMA,添加一个模式标签*/ segment="segment1";}


#曲线亚型为复杂的字符串FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory \ 2 d_geometry 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \输出FEATURE_TYPE aggregate4 \ sef_type sef_curve \ sef_out_of_scope开始# 2点线路亚型为复杂的字符串FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory \ 2 d_geometry 1 1 2 2 \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \输出FEATURE_TYPE aggregate4 \ sef_type sef_line \ sef_out_of_scope begin # Aggregate the curve and the 2 point line together into # a complex line. The shared attributes of the above # component (“streetName” for example) should be added # here. FACTORY_DEF * AggregateFactory \ INPUT FEATURE_TYPE aggregate4 \ LIST_NAME sef_component{} \ OUTPUT AGGREGATE FEATURE_TYPE aggregate4 \ sef_type sef_line \ sef_lbl pier \ sef_element_type 12 \ sef_out_of_scope begin \ sef_dgn dgnfile \ sef_map mapid \ sef_transaction{0} ADD \ sef_transaction{1} OUTSTANDING \ sef_rbprmry gid \ sef_rbscndry ufid \ sef_segment segment \ sef_tsetid id \ sef_mrflag mrflag \ sef_dgntype 1 \ streetName "Royal Ave" # Text. FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory \ 2D_GEOMETRY 1 1 \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \ OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE aggregate4 \ sef_lbl road \ sef_type sef_text \ sef_ch 11 \ sef_font 12 \ sef_height 13 \ sef_justification 14 \ sef_width 15 \ sef_rot 16 \ sef_insert_pt_x 17 \ sef_insert_pt_y 18 \ sef_level 19 \ sef_color 20 \ sef_style 21 \ sef_weight 22 \ sef_out_of_scope begin #symbol. FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory \ 2D_GEOMETRY 1 1 \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \ OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE aggregate4 \ sef_type sef_symbol \ sef_lbl symbol \ sef_character 255 \ sef_font 127 \ sef_height 10 \ sef_justification 14 \ sef_width 15 \ sef_rot 16 \ sef_insert_pt_x 2 \ sef_insert_pt_y 2 \ sef_level 60 \ sef_color 16 \ sef_style 17 \ sef_weight 18 \ sef_dgn dgn \ sef_out_of_scope end \ sef_rbscndry id \ sef_rbprmry id # This makes the reference feature. FACTORY_DEF * AggregateFactory \ INPUT FEATURE_TYPE aggregate4 \ LIST_NAME sef_component{} \ OUTPUT AGGREGATE FEATURE_TYPE aggregate4 \ sef_feature sef_ref_feat \ sef_st{0} state1 \ sef_st{1} state2 \ sef_ref_key refid \ sef_reload NO_RELOAD \ sef_wid wid \ sef_schema_no num


ref_feat {lbl = " aggregate4”;圣= " state1”;圣= " state2”;ref_key = " refid”;重载= " NO_RELOAD”;/*不修改*/ wid="wid";/*不修改*/ schema_no="num";/*不修改*/ gr_feat_ref {dgn="dgnfile";地图= " mapid”;事务=“添加”; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ transaction="OUTSTANDING"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ rbprmry="gid"; rbscndry="ufid"; segment="segment"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ tsetid="id"; mrflag="mrflag"; dgntype="1"; cmp { lbl="pier"; typ=cplx_str; out_of_scope=begin; att { streetName="Royal Ave"; elm_cnt=2; } /* att section */ subtype=crv; { geo { num_pnts=4; pnts=1,1 : 2,2 : 3,3 : 4,4; } /* geo section */ } /* subtype section */ subtype=line; { geo { fst_pnt=1,1; snd_pnt=2,2; } /* geo section */ } /* subtype section */ } /* cmp section */ } /* gr_feat_ref*/ gr_feat_ref { cmp { lbl="road"; typ=txt; out_of_scope=begin; att { weight=22; level=19; text_justification=14; text_width=15; text_font=12; text_ch="11"; text_height=13; color=20; style=21; } /* att section */ geo { rot=16; org=1,1; trn_org=17,18; } /* geo section */ } /* cmp section */ } /* gr_feat_ref*/ gr_feat_ref { dgn="dgn"; rbprmry="id"; rbscndry="id"; cmp { lbl="symbol"; typ=sym; out_of_scope=end; att { weight=18; level=60; symbol_character=255; symbol_justification=14; symbol_width=15; symbol_font=127; symbol_height=10; color=16; style=17; } /* att section */ geo { rot=16; org=1,1; trn_org=2,2; } /* geo section */ } /* cmp section */ } /* gr_feat_ref*/ } /* ref_feat */


#非图形组件。FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory CREATE_AT_END NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \ OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE ngComponent \ sef_type sef_nongraphic \ sef_lbl grmap \ streetName 102 #复杂字符串的曲线子类型。FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory \ 2D_GEOMETRY 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \ OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE crvSubType \ sef_type sef_curve #复杂字符串的线子类型。FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory \ 2 d_geometry 1 1 2 2 \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \输出FEATURE_TYPE lineSubType \ sef_type sef_line #曲线和直线聚合在一起形成一个复杂的#字符串,将成为第一个#参考图形特征的一个组成部分。FACTORY_DEF * AggregateFactory \输入FEATURE_TYPE crvSubType \输入FEATURE_TYPE lineSubType \ LIST_NAME sef_component{} \输出总FEATURE_TYPE grCmplLineComponent \ sef_type sef_line \ \ sef_element_type 12 \ streetName sef_lbl街90号线,将成为第一个图形的一部分#参考组件。FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory \ 2 d_geometry 1 1 2 2 \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \输出FEATURE_TYPE grLineComponent \ sef_type sef_line \ \ streetName sef_lbl桥91号总一起复杂的字符串和上面的行#形成第一个图形参考特征。FACTORY_DEF * AggregateFactory \输入FEATURE_TYPE grCmplLineComponent \输入FEATURE_TYPE grLineComponent \ LIST_NAME sef_component{} \输出总FEATURE_TYPE grRef \ sef_out_of_scope开始\ sef_dgn dgnfile \ sef_map mapid \ sef_transaction添加\ sef_transaction{0}{1}杰出\ sef_rbprmry gid \ sef_rbscndry ufid \ sef_segmentsegment \ sef_tsetid id \ sef_mrflag mrflag \ sef_dgntype 1 \ sef_out_of_scope开始#一个图形化引用,只有一行。FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory \ 2 d_geometry 1 1 2 2 \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \输出FEATURE_TYPE grRef \ sef_type sef_line \ sef_out_of_scope结束\ sef_lbl crossStreet \ streetName 92 #总nongraphic组件,和两个#图形引用在一起形成参考功能。FACTORY_DEF * AggregateFactory \ INPUT FEATURE_TYPE ngComponent \ INPUT FEATURE_TYPE grRef \ LIST_NAME sef_component{} \ OUTPUT AGGREGATE FEATURE_TYPE refFeat \ sef_feature sef_ref_feat \ sef_st{0} state1 \ sef_st{1} state2 \ sef_out_of_scope refid \ sef_reload NO_RELOAD \ sef_wid wid \ sef_schema_no num


ref_feat {lbl = " refFeat”;圣= " state1”;圣= " state2”;out_of_scope;ref_key = " refid”;重载= " NO_RELOAD”;/*不修改*/ wid="wid";/*不修改*/ schema_no="num";/*不修改*/ cmp {lbl="grmap";typ = n_g; att { streetName="102"; } /* att section */ } /* cmp section */ gr_feat_ref { dgn="dgnfile"; map="mapid"; transaction="ADD"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ transaction="OUTSTANDING"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ rbprmry="gid"; rbscndry="ufid"; segment="segment"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ tsetid="id"; mrflag="mrflag"; dgntype="1"; cmp { lbl="street"; typ=cplx_str; att { streetName="90"; elm_cnt=2; } /* att section */ subtype=crv; { geo { num_pnts=4; pnts=1,1 : 2,2 : 3,3 : 4,4; } /* geo section */ } /* subtype section */ subtype=line; { geo { fst_pnt=1,1; snd_pnt=2,2; } /* geo section */ } /* subtype section */ } /* cmp section */ cmp { lbl="bridge"; typ=line; att { streetName="91"; } /* att section */ geo { fst_pnt=1,1; snd_pnt=2,2; } /* geo section */ } /* cmp section */ } /* gr_feat_ref*/ gr_feat_ref { cmp { lbl="crossStreet"; typ=line; out_of_scope=end; att { streetName="92"; } /* att section */ geo { fst_pnt=1,1; snd_pnt=2,2; } /* geo section */ } /* cmp section */ } /* gr_feat_ref*/ } /* ref_feat */


#复杂字符串的曲线。FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory \ 2D_GEOMETRY 1 1 2 2 \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \ OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE aggregate1 \ sef_type sef_curve \ #一个复杂的行。由于没有指定元素类型#,SEF编写器自动检查#并确定这是一条两点线。FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory \ 2D_GEOMETRY 3 3 4 5 \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \ OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE aggregate1 \ sef_type sef_line #聚合曲线和两点线在一起#成为一个复杂的字符串。FACTORY_DEF * AggregateFactory \ INPUT FEATURE_TYPE aggregate1 \ LIST_NAME sef_component{} \ OUTPUT AGGREGATE FEATURE_TYPE aggregate1 \ sef_type sef_line \ sef_lbl road \ sef_element_type 12 \ streetName Broadway #简单的形状强迫成复杂的形状。FACTORY_DEF * CreationFactory \ 2D_GEOMETRY 1 1 10 1 5 10 1 1 \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \ OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE aggregate1 \ sef_type sef_shape \ sef_element_type 14 \ sef_lbl polygon \ streetName Lake #一个非图形组件。FACTORY_DEF * createfactory \ CREATE_AT_END \ NUMBER_TO_CREATE 1 \ OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE aggregate1 \ sef_type sef_nongraphic \ sef_lbl landmark \ streetName "kingsway" #这使得特性。FACTORY_DEF * AggregateFactory \输入FEATURE_TYPE aggregate1 \ LIST_NAME sef_component{} \输出总FEATURE_TYPE aggregate1 \ sef_feature sef_feat \ sef_st {0} state1 \ sef_st {1} state2 \ sef_dgn dgnfile \ sef_map mapid \ sef_reload NO_RELOAD \ sef_wid wid \ sef_schema_no num \ sef_transaction编辑\ sef_transaction {0} {1} PLR \ sef_rbprmrygid \ sef_rbscndry ufid \ sef_segment segment \ sef_tsetid id \ sef_mrflag mrflag \ sef_dgntype 1


壮举{lbl = " aggregate1”;圣= " state1”;圣= " state2”;dgn = " dgnfile”;地图= " mapid”;重载= " NO_RELOAD”;/*不修改*/ wid="wid";/*不修改*/ schema_no="num";/*不修改*/事务="编辑";/*不修改*/事务="PLR"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ rbprmry="gid"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ rbscndry="ufid"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ segment="segment"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ tsetid="id"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ mrflag="mrflag"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ dgntype="1"; /* DO NOT MODIFY */ cmp { lbl="road"; typ=cplx_str; att { streetName="Broadway"; elm_cnt=2; } /* att section */ subtype=crv; { geo { num_pnts=2; pnts=1,1 : 2,2; } /* geo section */ } /* subtype section */ subtype=line; { geo { fst_pnt=3,3; snd_pnt=4,5; } /* geo section */ } /* subtype section */ } /* cmp section */ cmp { lbl="polygon"; typ=cplx_shp; att { streetName="Lake"; elm_cnt=1; } /* att section */ subtype=str; { geo { num_pnts=4; pnts=1,1 : 10,1 : 5,10 : 1,1; } /* geo section */ } /* subtype section */ } /* cmp section */ cmp { lbl="landmark"; typ=n_g; att { streetName="kingsway"; } /* att section */ } /* cmp section */ } /* feat */